North vs. South: The American Civil War

North vs. South: The American Civil War

Regular price $150.00


Instructor:  James Goode

Dates:  24June-19July (4 weeks)

Mtg. Days:  Tues & Thurs. (2 days/week)

Mtg. Time (Pacific Time):  9:00-9:50 AM

Credits: No Credit

Class Description:  This course will guide the student through one of the most transformative events in American history when the “more perfect union” was threatened with permanent dissolution—leading to many modern tensions we still deal with to this day. The students will spend the first few weeks examining the geographical and political tensions in antebellum America that led to the war, the middle four weeks examining the strategy and tactics of the war itself (including in-depth looks at the battles of 1st Manassas, Chancellorsville, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Cold Harbor), and the last two weeks covering the aftermath and Reconstruction. Discussion of controversial topics such as slavery and states’ rights will be a feature, not a bug!

Required Text:  

  • The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War by John J. Dwyer

  • Rifles for Watie by Harold Keith