Class of 2024

Maria Armanious

Norco, CA

"I was born in Egypt and lived there until my family moved to California in 2016. I went to public school until my sophomore year when my family and I decided for me to join Logos. The change from public to online school was tough, especially going from being surrounded by many people to being on the computer 24/7, but I’m thankful I chose Logos. Because of it, I met some lifelong friends and great teachers and made some awesome memories! After graduation, I will be staying in California to major in engineering."

Favorite in-class experience: "Mr. Van Brimmer saying bad dad jokes in Humanities l"

Favorite book studied at LOS: The Universe Next Door by James W Sire


Piper Baird

Magnolia, AR


"I have always lived in and around a little town in Southern Arkansas with my parents and four siblings, and I have always been homeschooled. We went through a few years of CC, a few years of online classes, and other curricula, and Charlotte Mason in between. My three years of LOS, starting with Mr. Goode’s Humanities II, have been some of the best in my life, thanks to great teachers, classmates, and Christ-centered material.

Besides school, I have taken piano lessons for over a decade, organ lessons for two years, and have won a few awards in my area for my art. I also love folk dancing, creative writing, reading, and singing at the top of my lungs with my siblings. My goal for the next few years is ambitious, but I am starting small with an art class or two this fall and piano lessons I will teach to some kids around my area. Eventually, I hope to gather a community of families who love God and the wonderful intricacies he has worked into the world. I want to encourage everyone to be in awe over creation and be moved by that awe to praise. That will continue to be my goal when I get married and have children of my own (which will hopefully be soon)."

Favorite in-class experience: "Demolishing the other houses with my fellow Calvinists!"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "Tough choice, but probably The Divine Comedy"


Josiah Bone

Port St Lucie, FL

"I lived most of my childhood in Seattle, Washington. I participated in a homeschool co-op for many years, and most of my closest friends are from that time of my life. Early on, my parents ensured to instill a love of learning in my siblings and me, and always pushed us to do our very best in academics. When I was 12 we moved to Florida, where most of our family lives. In 9th grade, we briefly moved up to the D.C. area where I attended an in-person school. In 10th grade, we came back to Florida, where I spent my first year at Logos. I instantly loved the deep conversations and passion for the subjects that both the students and teachers exhibited. My family has always loved debating theology, and I found that Logos encouraged this, and developed my skills for debate. Some of my favorite moments over the past few years have been debating theology and ethics with my classmates in Mr. Smith’s Humanities classes. Many of my friends from Seattle have now joined me at Logos and I have made many new friends. I have engaged in many different activities, including Taekwondo, robotics, sailing, and crew rowing. One activity that sticks out to me though is my time at the Civil Air Patrol.

During my 10th and 11th grade years, I participated in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program, a youth military program. I achieved the rank of Cadet Technical Sergeant, and I led a squadron of cadets in their training. While I have decided not to pursue an Air Force career, this program taught me many things, and, although difficult, made me a stronger and better person.

This year, my brother Asher Bone, Alister Mangle, and I started the Logos Esports Club. We have won many matches of Mariokart, Splatoon, and Super Smash Bros. While we haven’t gotten a gold medal yet, I am confident that next year the team we have assembled will dominate in all three games. Through my GPA, ACT and SAT scores, and work hours, I received the 100% Bright Futures Scholarship, which is a Florida scholarship that covers full tuition at Florida public universities. In August, I plan on attending Florida State University with my sister. I am very grateful to have been a part of Logos. My wonderful teachers and the companionship of my classmates have affected me in more ways than I can count. I want to thank you all for making my senior year so special."

Favorite in-class experience: "My favorite in-class experience has been debating theology in Mr. Smith's Humanities classes."

Favorite book studied at LOS: "We have studied so many incredible books, but I would have to say The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis."


Chloe Bos

Atkinson, IL

"I am Chloe Bos and I was born and raised in Geneseo, Illinois. I was a public-schooled student up until my 8th grade year. When the pandemic hit, we swiftly made the transition to online schooling with Logos. When my parents broke this news to me, I truly thought my life was over. My social life diminished and then getting the new label as "weird homeschooler" was basically the end of the world. I'm so thankful that I was wrong. I have grown so much through Logos and I have been able to meet so many cool teachers and students who share the same drive for Christ."

Favorite in-class experience: "making our own bills and legislative branch in Mrs. Mutart's Economics and Government class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Dante's Inferno


Benjamin Cessnun

China Spring, TX

"I was born in Waco, Texas, but my family moved to the bush of Uganda when I was just 5 years old. My backyard was the banks of the Nile River and I played hours of soccer (real football). I made some great friends and had some amazing experiences. My childhood was like no other, and I am so thankful God gave my family that opportunity. I started attending Logos when I was in 7th grade. Being in Uganda, my classes where always in the late afternoon or evening. It wasn't until 2022 when I returned to Texas that I had a normal school day schedule. Back in Texas, I played American football with Texas Wind for two years and was captain my senior year. I also ran track for three years.

I enjoy all sports, fishing, and shooting sports. I'm a proud big brother to eight younger siblings, and a little brother to two. Being in a family with eleven kids keeps life exciting and always on the move. It has been fun going ahead of my younger siblings in Logos and being able to help them along the way.

I will be attending Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas and marching as a member of the Fighting Texas Aggie Band. I will be an Animal Science major hoping to pursue medicine after I graduate."

Favorite in-class experience: "the legendary (or infamous) Math-Thought-Thursdays in Mrs. Hedderly's class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "Tom Sawyer takes first, Beowulf and The Iliad tie for second"


Gary Christy

Ocean City, NJ

"I was born and raised outside of Philadelphia, PA and moved to New Jersey before starting high school. I attended public school for elementary and middle school prior to joining Logos in 10th grade. Logos Online has been one of the best schools, all the way from the education to the students and the work. I would 100% recommend this school to anyone with a desire for a great education that is centered around Christ and that you can enjoy! I am thankful for my time at Logos Online and for my teachers and parents for investing in my education. I plan to continue my education at Rowan University in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance, and I feel Logos Online has done a great job preparing me to continue my educational journey and to establish a great future career!"

Favorite class: Spanish with Mr. Belch

Favorite teacher/s: Mrs. Mutart and Mrs. Enns


Camila Corea

Hercules, CA


"Prior to coming to Logos, I attended a Christian private school where I was involved in a student-led Bible study club as the VP and was also on the basketball team. After relocating and being recommended to the Logos Online program, my parents and I agreed this style of homeschooling would be the best alternative for me. And after two years at LOS, I can confidently say it has been. I feel blessed to receive such a Christ-centered education where I can be challenged spiritually and academically. Becoming homeschooled has also allowed me to pursue my hobbies and extracurriculars further. Among which, are horse riding, hunting, and involvement in 4H and in a local youth outdoors program.

Lord willing, I will be moving to Texas in the fall to attend Abilene Christian University on a few academic scholarships. Having a great interest in and love for God’s creation, I plan to major in Animal Science, specifically on a Livestock Production track, with the career goal of ranch management. But above that, my biggest goal, since a little girl, has always been to be a mother. And I hope to do so all for the glory and honor of God."

Favorite in-class experience: "'Saint Story time' with Mr. Pineiro"

Favorite book studied at LOS: City of God by Augustine


Eden Cross

Louisville, MS

"I am originally from Jackson, Mississippi. My family moved to Tennessee for four years, then back to Mississippi last summer. My education has been a mixture of homeschooling, attending a Classical Christian school, and Logos Online. I have attended Logos Online since ninth grade. I have always loved reading and art, and will continue to pursue those passions as I study Fine Arts at Mississippi State University."

Favorite in-class experience: "all of the jokes in Humanities class with Mr. Smith"

Favorite book studied at LOS: That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis


Jaylee Culver

Sunnyside, WA


"I was raised in a now not-so-small-town, in Washington state. My sister and I have been homeschooled from the very beginning; whether it was doing co-ops on Thursday's or online. This is my third year with Logos and I've enjoyed it thus far! Most of my teachers have been so amazing and have helped me in a lot of different ways since the start. Since starting Logos, I've learned a lot of things when it comes to theology. And in my humanities classes, I've learned to discern what's being taught about religion and Christianity and I've come to the realization that it's okay to have different theological beliefs when it comes to that. I'm very thankful for my parents and my church mentors who have come alongside me and helped me understand theology. I really could not be more blessed to have my family and friends by my side, helping, supporting, and praying for me as I've gone through this crazy journey."

Favorite in-class experience: "joking around in Algebra 2 with Mrs. Lisa Mutart"

Favorite book studied at LOS: I would have to say my favorite book studied was Job from the Bible


Esther Dang

Fort Smith, AR

"Through God’s providence, I was brought up by God-fearing reformed Baptist parents in Arkansas. My parents tag-teamed with my education, making sure I had a strong biblical and classical foundation. Most importantly, they made sure I worked diligently to prepare for a woman’s most fulfilling job: a mother.

In 8th grade, my parents enrolled me in Mr. Smith’s IH1 class in LOS. Having classmates and a godly teacher, besides my parents, was a new experience that taught me to work with others to critically expand my biblical worldview. My experience on LOS has been a blessing in so many ways, and I truly appreciate the great teachers, classmates, and curriculums I’ve encountered in my four years here.

Apart from school, I have taken piano for 11 years and have been able to use those skills to minister to my church in worship and the elderly in nursing homes. Additionally, I’ve earned my 2nd degree black belt after 9 years in Taekwondo. I currently work part time as a technician at an optometry clinic, and, if the Lord wills it, I am planning on attending my local college to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Sonography. Ultimately, I pray that I can nurture a godly family, just like the one I was blessed to grow up in."

Favorite in-class experience: "Mrs. Hedderly blasting Titanic recorder music during homework time"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Anything by Martin Luther since it's easy to underline almost everything without realizing


Cadence Davis

Ripon, CA


"I was born in California but raised in Texas, and I’ve had exposure to about every form of schooling out there—besides boarding school (thanks mom and dad). Summer before my Sophomore year, my family relocated back to California to take over a family business. After my many years of transitioning schools, we discovered we loved homeschooling, classical education, beefy book lists, and the Wilson family—thus leading me to Logos. Logos, by far, has been my favorite education experience. It has challenged me in ways I never expected, and truly gave me something to miss after I graduate.

I will be attending Providence Christian College on a full-ride scholarship, and majoring in Liberal Studies with an Education Concentration. Lord willing, I will be fully equipped to homeschool my own kiddos, and I will have the opportunity to mentor young souls in a classroom by means of good literature."

Favorite in-class experience: "crashing Mrs. Mutart’s second Consumer Math class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Paradise Lost by John Milton


Seth Dodds

Lake Elmo, MN

"I was homeschooled through 2nd grade, with my mom teaching me. Starting in 3rd grade, I attended Hand in Hand Christian Montessori, where I stayed through 10th grade. My junior year, I switched to Logos Online School and have really enjoyed it. The teachers are excellent, the material has been very interesting (especially in humanities), and I have good relationships with my classmates.

One notable extracurricular I have done is robotics. Since 7th grade, I have participated in FIRST Lego League, and FIRST Tech Challenge, which involves building robots to complete specific tasks. We have been very competitive, making it to state every year, and even traveled to the world competition once!

As my high school days come to a close, I will attend Bethlehem College in Minneapolis in the fall, where I'll get to revisit some classics and take a deep dive into theology and philosophy."

Favorite in-class experience: "driving everyone crazy with math puns"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Here I Stand, a biography of Martin Luther, by Roland Bainton


Patrick Ferrill

Leeds, AL


"I was born in California (from which I have renounced all affiliation), and moved to Alabama shortly thereafter, where I have lived the majority of my life. I enjoy reading, drawing, playing the piano, all forms of outdoor exploration, and the best sport known to mankind: football.

I've been homeschooled all my life, though I didn't join LOS until my freshman year of high school. I've spent the duration of my high school tenure here. My time at Logos has been instrumental in many aspects of my growth, from the reading, the teaching, and all the various interactions with my classmates. I'm eternally grateful for the time God has given me with each and every one of them, both in challenges and in joys. Mr. Goode's IH2 class was especially formative, driving a love for history and greater appreciation for older works of literature. I hope to continue on the path that these people have set for me, living in a manner pleasing and honorable to God above all else."

Favorite in-class experience: "the dramatic reading of Romeo vs. Tybault in Mr. Sumpter's IH3 class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Paradise Lost by John Milton


Avery Franzone

Milton, FL


"I have lived in Pensacola, Florida my whole life, with my family of 10. I tried a lot of different curriculum and co-ops like Classical Conversations. I loved having the freedom of extra time with family and friends. When I turned thirteen my family had just adopted five children, and we needed to find a different option for my schooling. Logos Online was the perfect fit for me and my family. The teachers and peers have helped me to grow and learn, not only academically, but spiritually. Logos not only asks but expects independence that makes students strive for maturity.

Throughout my five years at Logos, I have been able to pursue things I love like drama and dance. I took jazz, and ballet for two years, and always love participating in swing and folk dances. I also had the wonderful opportunity to be the lead in a production of Little Women. The flexible schedule that I had allowed me to start working young. I babysat until I started working at Chick-fil-A, and then a Christian Frozen Yogurt shop. Now I work as a secretary at a local Electric Company.

After I graduate, I will be working full time while I get my degree in accounting from Columbia Southern University."

Favorite in-class experience: "Mr. Spratt saying, 'Wow a prophet!' when a kid said he would lose connection after being called on"

Favorite book studied at LOS: The Odyssey


John Freeborn

Concordia, KS

"I’ve had the privilege to grow up with my parents, two younger brothers, and a little sister in the rolling farmland of rural Kansas – the land of golden wheat fields and flaming sunsets, of tornadoes and spring windiness and bright blue sky. And yes, I even love its flatness which (while often greatly exaggerated!) serves only to magnify the glorious beauty of a summer sunset, or the spreading white-gold shimmer of ripened grain.

I joined LOS in 7th grade, having been fully homeschooled K-6th. My early homeschool education provided in countless ways an excellent foundation for Logos, particularly in reading and those long hours spent working through math lessons (thanks, Mom & Dad!). Throughout my time at Logos, I have been blessed with the opportunity to study under many competent and passionate teachers who pointed us to education’s ultimate goal – glorifying God as we learn more and more about the wondrous cosmos He has fashioned.

My extracurricular interests have included reading, music, juggling, taekwondo (I tested for my 2nd degree black belt earlier this year), fishing, reading, trying to help catch our goats when they escape, playing ping-pong with my siblings, and attempting to solve random philosophical puzzles (must have been all that Plato and Aristotle in Humanities!). Oh, and did I mention reading? ;) I also particularly enjoy writing poetry (and apparently long, cumbersome sentences full of parentheticals, if this bio is indicative of my usual style…) and have participated in a number of poetry contests, winning the HSLDA Poetry Contest in 2020 and the Society of Classical Poets High School Poetry Contest in 2023.

I was honored to receive the NSA Presidential Scholarship this spring and, Lord willing, plan to move up to Moscow, Idaho later this summer to begin classes at New Saint Andrews College."

Favorite in-class experience: "Probably playing Jeopardy in Mr. Smith's IH1 class!"

Favorite book studied at LOS: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien


Amos Friedel

Inkom, ID


"My parents brought all of their children up homeschooled from day one. They originally lived in Malala, Oregon but moved to Inkom, Idaho in 1999 and 3 of their 7 were born there. One of the greatest blessings I have found is that, despite the age gap between the youngest (16) and oldest (30) children, there is true fellowship and love. Mom and Dad have thanked God so much that all of us are very good friends.

I have only taken Logos for the past two years. Before that, I took five years of Classical Conversations. But even before that, I was taught by my mother and a friend who organized a co-op between our two families. The first year of Logos, I took IH3 with Dr. Soderberg and I was quickly surprised and overjoyed to find like-minded Christians studying and discussing in-depth history and philosophy. The writing portion of the course brought me to realize just how little I had paid attention to my grammar, while giving me enough opportunity to fix it. This year, I have taken four classes from four amazing teachers, all of whom I admire, and all of whom I have been able to learn much from even outside of the course they teach. One of the biggest things I have learned from all of my teachers is the correct management of my time. This school year is by far the heaviest I have been required to undertake, giving a great opportunity to grow in honesty, humility, and joy in work."

Favorite in-class experience: "a classmate asking for a teacher's daughter's number in front of the whole class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Perelandra by C.S. Lewis in IH4


Kezia Friesen

Paris, TX

"I was born and raised in a small town in Texas, where I started my educational journey by attending a private Christian school until about 6th grade. I then started to homeschool, and my 8th grade year was the first year I started Logos! At first, I was a bit skeptical of an online school, but as I continued with Logos I began to realize how truly amazing it was. I am so grateful to have found a school that prioritizes faith and the importance of glorifying God in everything. Over the years, I have made so many good memories! Not only did some old friends join me in Logos, but I was able to meet new friends along the way as well! I've gotten to meet so many people from all around the world, and got to have dedicated teachers that have made such a great impact on my life, shaping me into the person I am today."

Favorite in-class experience: "Mr. Deacon giving us creative ways to study for tests in Physical Science"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Knowing God by J.I. Packer


Johanna Gardner

Bedford, VA

"Being from the backwoods of central Virginia, I have been homeschooled all my life - first by my mom, then by Classical Conversations, Liberty University Online, being self-led, Bob Jones Academy, and finally Logos Online starting in my freshman year. While I have experienced many styles of homeschooling, I am grateful God led us to LOS for my high school years. I feel I was challenged and supported by not only my parents, but my teachers and peers. I believe the greatest thing I have learned is not what to think, but how to think. I have been blessed to grow alongside friends from all over the world.

I'll try anything twice, but my passions include languages, almost any music, concept art and animation, world-building, the outdoors (especially rocks), and sports. Concerning sports, I have been actively involved in almost every sport I could find, but eventually found love for lacrosse, surfing, and powerlifting, in which I plan to compete at the university level.

Although I may wish I did some things differently, in the end I don't regret most of it. During my time at Logos I achieved many things - such as a Stars and Stripes, which is the equivalent of an Eagle Scout through American Heritage Girls - and I even found Jesus! Moving forward during and after university, I plan to use my passions as a catalyst for ministry locally and around the world."

Favorite in-class experience: "Disabled chat after plots with amoebae, Texas, and burgers. Later we plotted with paper and cameras."

Favorite book studied at LOS: "1984 by George Orwell or The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Taking Men Alive was great too."


Luke Garrett

Placentia, CA

"I was born and raised in Orange County, California. I have one sibling and a very silly dog. Even from a very young age I saw how my parents prioritized my education. They were the ones who did the majority of the teaching for my sister and I when we were little. When they realized that it would be more beneficial for me to be taught under someone else, they made the sacrifice to put me in a private Christian Classical school. I always enjoyed my time there, and was in school from third to seventh grade. However, at the time I didn’t realize to what extent my parents worked to give me that quality of education.

I started Logos in eighth grade, at the beginning of COVID. Logos really taught me what it meant to have a classical education. It was a slow process for me but during my junior and senior year I began to see the fruits of learning Latin, studying Homer, and taking Calculus. In my senior year I have been learning to value my education not because I believe I need to be smart enough to get a good job, but because I have the desire to learn more about the created world and how we can be greater stewards of it. My plan after high school is to attend college in the fall to get a business degree majoring in marketing. While I might not be taking any more formal classical classes, I hope to continue to learn from the classics for the rest of my life."

Favorite in-class experience: "Mr. Rauch's videos and songs before class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: How Then Shall We Live


Ian Garstka

Arnold, MD

"I hail from a military family, having been stationed everywhere from the West Coast, Far East, along the shores of New England, amongst the swamps of the Deep South and currently reside in the Mid-Atlantic. To date, we’ve moved 16 times in order to service our country. Throughout these moves, we’ve been exposed to differing worldviews, but the Body of Christ and a Classical Christian homeschooling education have remained anchor points for my siblings and me.

In the summer of 2020, in the midst of COVID, my family received orders to Stennis Space Center Mississippi; basically in the middle of nowhere and home to nothing except a NASA Space facility. Due to lockdown restrictions, we decided that Logos Online School would be the best option for my freshman year. Since then, our family of six and a dog has had one home destroyed by a hurricane, and another by a flood, moved five times in three years, lived in several different small apartments, and even occupied the basement of several friends’ homes. For most of that 19-month period, we were apart from our father who had major command responsibilities as well as a house to repair. My mother, siblings and I made many 36-hour trips south and back to reconnect and help my dad with restoring what was destroyed. Throughout all of these challenging circumstances, Logos Online School was a constant that provided us with the needed accountability and structure, coupled with the necessary mobility component. Through Logos, I have been able to keep up academically and even grow through founding and presiding over two school clubs - Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Advanced Chess Club. My LOS teachers' constant reminders of Christ and their faithful prayers at the beginning of each class were refreshing to the ‘enth’ degree.

As I head off to the United States Air Force Academy in a few weeks, I earnestly thank Logos for the continuity and learning opportunities this school has afforded me over the last four years. A special thanks is due to Mr. Belschner as well as Dr. Stephenson and several teachers who supported me throughout the college and service academies’ application process during my final year!"

Favorite in-class experience: "Taking 10 minutes out of Mrs. Mutart’s Government class to watch a classmate’s shaving routine, who forgot to turn off the camera"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Either Taking Men Alive or Brave New World


Madeline Gleason

Wheaton, IL

"I was born in between the Cascades and the Olympics in Seattle, Washington where I spent the first 13 years of my life. When I lived across the Salish Sea from Seattle, I participated in Norwegian Folk dancing, a local theater, AWANA, and lots of ‘orc-hunting,’ troll hunting, tree climbing, creek wading, bug catching, fort building, and dog chasing with my three younger siblings. I loved (and still do) to be outside, hiking through the mountains and woods with my family or along beaches watching and listening to the sea. Then, one fateful day in March 2019, my family moved to Chicagoland (Wheaton, Illinois to be specific). Out here in the prairie, I have been enjoying jiu-jitsu (per my brothers’ persuasion), biking, writing, drawing, crocheting and knitting, and tutoring through my youth group.

Education wise, for Kindergarten-2nd grade I attended public school, which was rough. After that, my mom homeschooled my siblings and I up until high school, for which I have been attending LOS.

After I graduate, I plan to attend New Saint Andrews College and become a math teacher in classical Christian schools and, Lord willing, start a family. Hopefully I will continue to write, draw, and enjoy the outdoors; especially reading in trees."

Favorite in-class experience: "every day of Spanish 2 with Sra. Mondoy and my classmates"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Either Phantastes by George MacDonald or The City of God by St. Augustine


Clara Green

Duvall, WA

"I have been homeschooled my whole life. I was introduced to the Latin language for the first time with my aunt, through an old, beat-up purple Henle book. In my Freshman year of Highschool, I joined Logos Online School and enrolled in Latin III, with Mrs. Trotter. (Three cheers for Latin Pictionary Mondays!) From there, my love of languages and literature has blossomed wildly in this school. I went on to take Latin IV and an extra year of “Latin Independent Study” with Mr. Sumpter; I also learned Spanish and Hebrew and my curiosity has been sparked for learning other languages in later years. I hope to someday learn Italian and read the original poetry of Dante’s Comedia. My favorite class in Highschool was Rhetoric with Mr. Spratt, but an extremely close second was Humanities III with Mr. Smith. I am so grateful for the teachers at Logos for they have helped open my eyes to see God’s beauty and order in the written and spoken word.

Besides school, I also enjoy swimming, art, and my large, loud, lovely family. I swim on a competitive club swim team for many hours a day and my best event is the 100 breaststroke. I love so many things about the water, from exercise to painting watercolor pictures to writing one of my Rhetoric essays “On Water.” Learning to swim well and train hard has been an immense blessing to me. I also love art, for just as with languages, humans can express and communicate with what they create. Ever since I could hold a crayon, I have loved to draw and paint pictures of the world around me.

This next year will be an exciting time for me. I decided to take a gap year in order to have one more year on the club swim team. In the meantime, I will spend time working, reading, and taking some language and literature classes. I hope to attend either Hillsdale College or Biola University in the fall of 2025."

Favorite in-class experience: "Taylor Kwan singing the song about toe fungus cream to the tune of 'Jingle Bell Rock'"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Dante's Paradiso


Aaron Hallebach

DeForest, WI

"I've attended 9 schools. I began Kindergarten in the Chicagoland area when my family moved to Northern Virginia and then attended several public schools, several private schools, and began my junior year with Logos Online. Logos was my first virtual experience, and I was initially unsure how I would handle it, but it didn't take long to grow with it. I've developed a passion for specific subjects and academic topics because of the Christlike way the teachers communicate the lessons found in the curriculum.

Online schooling has given me more time to enjoy my hobbies and research my personal interests. I've taken piano lessons and practice in between classes as well as after school. I plan to continue honing these piano playing skills into the future where I can perform artistic pieces. Aside from piano, I've been able to put time into some hobbies, whether it be exercising, journaling, or model building. The scheduling LOS provides, allows for me to plan accordingly and open up time for these hobbies and relaxation with friends.

I am still unsure of the college I will attend. I am planning to study engineering, possibly psychology, and neuroscience. I anticipate the future and am thankful for LOS for the Biblical education they provided and encouraging me in my journey as I seek God's purpose and plan for my future."

Favorite in-class experience: "listening to Mr. Kwong's sound effects while communicating something occurring in chemistry"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis


Silas Henthorn

Prophetstown, IL

"I've been homeschooled my whole life. As I was finishing 8th grade, my parents found out about Logos and decided to enroll me for my freshman year. It was fantastic! I had never learned so much so quickly. Since then, Logos has equipped me well to take on life after graduation, both in concrete skills like math and science, and critical thinking skills. When I graduate, I plan to become an electrician. I have already started the process of getting an apprenticeship at the local union training center, and will hopefully begin that this summer."

Favorite in-class experience: "arguing over which side was in the right in the Civil War"

Favorite book studied at LOS: George Orwell's 1984


Isabella Hernandez

Laughlin, NV

"I've grown up and lived in Laughlin, Nevada my whole life and its a pretty small and quaint town. I was in public school until around middle school, I then went to many different online schools until my senior year I went here.

I enjoy drawing, writing/reading, photography, playing video games, RC car racing, cooking/baking, and plants and botany! I mostly like writing and reading fictional fantasy or reality-like books. I love all kinds of plants and plan to study about plants and homeopathy through plants."

Favorite in-class experience: "laughing and having fun in apologetics with my classmates"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Taking Men Alive by Jim Wilson


Malakai Herrera

Sanger, TX

"Before I began Logos, I was learning to love school, but I was still living in a box. But through Logos, the box opened. Eventually I had been in Gettysburg, Mr. Machen had taught me, I had listened to Plato discuss truth, and walked with Aristotle, I had seen Diomedes fight in battle, I saw the Peloponnesian war, I pondered with Aurelius, I studied words with Lewis, I saw Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise with Dante and Milton, I was there when my German comrades died in World War I, and when my American brothers fell in Normandy, I spectated when Ransom explored Perelandra, and cheered when RedCrosse slew the dragon; I have seen truth, glory, honor, freedom, and beauty. I cannot convey with words what I have seen and understood, because it can only be comprehended by experience, and this experience can only be comprehended through God’s blessing and the wholehearted desire to experience it. Though I have seen much, I have been nowhere; I will never run out of things to learn, and I will continue learning until Christ calls me home, and then will I truly begin to understand.

For extracurricular hobbies, I love gardening and helping Texas (the Promised Land) look a little greener: doing anything with plants is my favorite thing to be doing. I enjoy playing the violin and hope to grow in that skill as much as possible. I love playing with my siblings and fishing with my friends. I currently work for a local gardener and a tree planter and can’t wait for each new work day.

My current plans are to work for a year (hopefully for a landscaping business), and then eventually attend NSA, or attend a local college for horticulture. If it be the Lord’s will, I would eventually like to work in Politics. But as I grow in wisdom, I desire to be a landscaper for as long as possible, learning as many skills as I can along the way."

Favorite in-class experience: "My favorite in-class experiences were Mrs. Hedderly's Math-thought Thursdays."

Favorite book studied at LOS: "My favorite book studied at LOS is Perelandra."


Nehemiah Herrera

Sanger, TX

"I have been homeschooled for nearly as long as I can remember, until I began LOS in 2020. I remember lots of field trips, and hands-on learning experiences stemming all the way back to my early childhood. In 2012, I started violin lessons, and have been ever since. In 2018, I did a local co-op for a few months, which was beneficial to me in a lot of ways. I always had trouble with laziness, and so having due dates pushed me to work harder. This was something that LOS also helped me with immensely. In 2020, I started LOS with 4 classes. I struggled with proofs in Logic, but other than that, it was a relatively smooth entrance into high school. And so I continued through 2021, 2022, 2023, and now 2024… Golly, I can’t believe it’s been that long! I really can’t overstate how much of a blessing LOS has been to me, and how much it has influenced my spiritual and mental growth over the last 4 years.

What of the future? Well, I plan on taking over the world. That sounds cliche, but I mean it seriously, though not in the way one might generally think about it. How am I going to accomplish this, you may ask? Well, I am going to work hard and provide for the wife and children that God may grant me. And then I am going to raise them all in the fear and admonition of YAHWEH, so that way they do the same for their children, and so on and so on. I want to revive things, like the American songbook, and a beautiful God-honoring culture. To create things like animated and live action movies, fantastical and fictional literature, Video Games, and other forms of art, all for the glory of Christ! Or, as George Bailey once put it, "And then I'm gonna build things. I'm gonna build airfields, I'm gonna build skyscrapers a hundred stories high, I'm gonna build bridges a mile long...""

Favorite in-class experience: "My favorite in class experience was when I was able to make people laugh."

Favorite book studied at LOS: Democracy in America, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Citizen Soldiers, and Mere Christianity


Jadyn Jones

Vista, CA

"Since the beginning of my academic journey I have been independently homeschooled, and have supplemented my education through various co-op and online classes. Although I have invariably loved learning, the freedom that homeschooling provided allowed me to pursue extracurricular interests: specifically dance. Growing up, I was very active in American Heritage Girls, theater, and dance performances. From the age of 11, I began classical ballet training from 15 to 20 hours weekly. At 14 years of age, the lockdowns of 2020 marked the beginning of a new way of life for me (and the rest of the world). Without dance, I suddenly had more time available to play the piano, read the bible, and pray. I began delving into new studies of theology and philosophy through Emmaus Classical Academy. It was the Emmaus program that inspired me to discover LOS in 2023; which I have come to cherish wholeheartedly. This new school regimen instilled in me a rekindled love of learning and a new perspective in my walk with the Lord. Through extensive Socratic discussions and studies of classical literature, I was able to discern that my beloved passion for ballet did not comprise the entirety of my life. Frequent readings of deeply insightful authors such as C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Dante, Milton, Augustine, and a multitude of others, have since prompted me to thoughtfully consider my life, education, and passions in light of eternity. Although I resumed my ballet training with perseverance, the reality was I had lost valuable training time. The pressure to excel was in constant conflict with the peace and fulfillment I experienced when focused on my academic interests. Even so, I strove to excel in both fields to my great contentment. In 2023, I was honored to receive 1st place awards with my ballet ensemble and received an invitation to participate in YAGP international finals. Nevertheless, at the conclusion of the prosperous competition season, I sustained an injury that forced me to reconsider my priorities in regards to dance and my future goals. It was in the midst of this trying time that the Lord placed Logos Online School in my path, and I have since savored every minute of this past school year. I am eternally grateful to God, my supportive parents, Logos teachers, and peers for encouraging me to further explore what is true and beautiful. I accredit Emmaus and Logos with solidifying my decision to apply to Biola University where I have been accepted and plan to attend the Torrey Honors College and Cinema and Media Art Program in the fall of 2024."

Favorite book studied at LOS: Paradise Lost


Joshua Jordan

Conroe, TX

"Howdy! I’m a multigenerational Texan, born to two native Houstonians, and grew up homeschooling on a small street, in a small neighborhood, in the middle of the largest city in Texas, with my best friends, who happen to be my younger sister and brother. I also forged a special friendship with a neighbor I’d known almost since birth. We’ve done it all: built a treehouse in the backyard, ran a successful lawn business, played around a bit too much with blowtorches, fireworks, and homemade model rockets, climbed the tallest mountain in Texas, and rode donkeys in Mexico wearing three-foot-wide sombreros. My interest in a future in engineering began with some of our wild exploits. (Lesson: Axe Body Spray is quite flammable.)"

Favorite in-class experience: "debates and Jeopardy review games in Mr. Smith's Humanities class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "a tie between Phantastes by George MacDonald and The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara"


Lia Kergel

Annapolis, MD


"I've grown up in a Christian and Military home and I've been homeschooled since 2nd grade. I have been doing Logos Online since 9th grade, and it has worked great for me. Online school is the best style of school I've done and I plan on also doing college online. Outside of school, I love anything art related, painting and drawing are my favorites. I also enjoy the outdoors and animals, especially dogs, as my dad is a dog trainer. Doing school online has allowed me to have time to work at a little Christian coffee shop which I thoroughly enjoy. But my favorite activity will always be hanging out with my friends, nothing makes me happier. I feel very prepared for what is to come after high-school, thanks to Logos Online. Overall, I really enjoyed high-school, and I will miss it, but I am excited for what the Lord holds for me in the future."

Favorite in-class experience: "going on long off-topic debates in Mr. Smith's Humanities classes"

Favorite book studied at LOS: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Strevenson


Aileigh Kidd

Waynesville, OH


"I'm 17 years old and I was born and raised in southwest Ohio. While I've been homeschooled my whole life, I started taking LOS classes in 7th grade, took a break in 8th grade, and came back for all of high school. Logos has been a huge blessing in my life. I've made so many friends and learned so much. Some of the biggest blessings that have been a part of my LOS journey are learning Spanish with Sra. Mondoy for three years, taking three amazing classes with Dr. Soderberg, and receiving the student of the quarter award in 2022. In addition to LOS, I've taken Dual Enrollment classes with Cedarville University and done drama with a homeschool theater group. Needless to say, I haven't had much free time since starting high school. As for future plans, I'm super excited to attend New Saint Andrews College this coming fall."

Favorite in-class experience: "In Apologetics, 5 of us did a skit on a Mormon conversion and tried not to die as the class saw it."

Favorite book studied at LOS: Lewis' Space Trilogy


Anneke Kok

O'Fallon, IL


"I was born in San Diego, CA, and have moved a total of seven times since. Moving to new places meant finding new schools, so I have experienced public, online, and homeschooling in Texas, Maryland, South Korea, Minnesota, and Illinois. LOS is the only school I attended for more than two years, spending all four of my high school years doing online. During high school, I enjoyed working and archery. I worked at Chick-Fil-A until the summer after my junior year. That summer I got my CNA license. Since then, I have worked as a tech/nurse aid in long-term care, and on the Mother-Baby and Medical-Surgical units at St. Elizabeths Hospital. After high school I plan to attend Southeast Missouri State University to major in nursing. While in Missouri, I will be assisting in planting a PCA church, serving as the music director for the plant. I love to travel. I have been blessed to have been to 19 countries, and I would like to see several more, ideally doing so through some sort of missions work while being a nurse. LOS has had its ups and downs, but ultimately I am very thankful for the opportunity to experience learning in such an enriching and Christ-centered environment. Many of my teachers at LOS have been highly influential and encouraging as I grow as a person and in my faith."

Favorite in-class experience: "collecting funny Dr. Soderberg quotes with my classmates"

Favorite book studied at LOS: 1984, Brave New World, All Quiet on the Western Front, or Paradise Lost


Taylor Kwan

Federal Way, WA


"Though young Christians at the time, my parents felt called to homeschool me when I was a boy. After we moved from British Columbia, Canada to Washington, USA, we settled ourselves in HIS Ministry Co-op. I attended the homeschool Co-op until 8th grade when COVID-19 hit, cutting short my last year of middle school. Hearing about Logos from a friend in Florida, we decided to attend beginning with Mr. Smith’s ‘Academic Essay Writing’ course. I have attended Logos ever since and am now graduating. Along the way, I have attended numerous community colleges as part of Washington’s ‘Running Start Program.’

Logos has been a major part of shaping my life as a Christian and young man. I have met friends and teachers who have taken time to guide and mentor me, training me to live for God’s glory. One of the teachers who have had the most effect on my life is Mr. Smith. During a time when I really struggled with my faith, Mr. Smith was able to lend me counsel and help mentor me throughout his classes. I’d also like to thank Mr. Kwong for teaching me valuable leadership and communication skills as we ran the Logos Chess Club for 3 years.

In addition, I appreciate the teaching and time of Mr. Rauch, Mrs. Hedderly, Mr. Sumpter, Mrs. Trotter, Dr. Soderberg, and Mr. Spratt who have all played an important role in shaping who I am today. In addition to my academic activities, I compete in a National Speech and Debate Association called NCFCA, participate in Boy Scouts, and work part time. In NCFCA, I placed 2nd in Original Interpretation (writing your own story), 3rd in Team Policy (a two on two policy debate), and 9th for impromptu speaking for my last tournament. I hope to achieve Eagle Scout after graduation before I turn 18. Some of my favorite pastimes are playing chess, singing sea shanties while doing chores, backpacking in the Washington wilderness, acting out random stories, and writing comical poetry. I also enjoy playing with my four younger brothers and creating hilarious tales for them to enjoy.

My future plans are to attend New Saint Andrew’s College this coming fall. I was able to win the Logos scholarship, a huge blessing, and I hope to go through my higher education debt and loan free. In the future, I hope to pursue a path towards law or even teaching. I like speech and debate and defending God’s truth so that is a good place to start. This next chapter in my life is exciting, and I cannot wait for what God has for me next!"

Favorite in-class experience: "chatting with Marianne Smith before class and being insulted about my bad haircut"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Killer Angels by Michael Shaara


Elise Lawler

Newport, WA

"I have lived in Northern Idaho for most of my life where I was usually homeschooling alongside my six siblings. In 6th grade my siblings and I attended Classical Conversations. Essentials helped me a great deal with the writing I would do for Humanities courses. I started LOS in 7th grade and loved it! I appreciated how my teachers always brought Christ into everything that we learned. I spent all my junior high and high school years understanding that God is a part of everything and has created everything with a purpose. And for that I will always be thankful. Thank you to all my teachers at LOS, and to my parents. You have all helped me grow into the woman I am today.

I enjoy playing soccer, reading books, swing dancing with friends, and exploring nature by going on hikes with friends and family. I love exploring the woods and waterfalls of Northern Idaho. I see the Lord in all of nature and always feel closer to Him when I'm out exploring His creation. I plan to work full-time to save up the necessary funds to travel overseas. I look forward to experiencing the Scandinavian cultures I come from. When I return from traveling, I plan to enroll in Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Michigan after which I hope to pursue my true passion of motherhood."

Favorite in-class experience: "watching Mr. Raunch dance when we reached Lesson 100"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Taking Men Alive & The War With Hannibal


Aiden Long

Chico, CA


"I was born into a Christian family in Whittier, California where my mother taught my brothers and me in a classical education homeschool program and my father was a public school teacher, an instructor at Biola University, and a principal. In a sense, the academic world was all I knew. Thanks to my mom's commitment to learning and academics, I was homeschooled until the third grade, when we moved to Chico, California, and I attended a private Christian school where my dad was the principal. My educational journey completely changed as I entered a classroom with so many other students and then changed even further when I went into public school in the sixth grade. There were many ups and downs in working hard to better my mental and physical abilities, but by the time I reached high school, we realized there was more for me than just a standard public high school education. Before the start of my junior year, we discovered Logos Online School, and I went back to homeschool, but at a very different level. My education at Logos has been nothing but fruitful, and I couldn't be more thankful to receive the opportunity to make long-lasting Christian friends, as well as better my knowledge of and relationship with God."

Favorite in-class experience: "In Mr. Litwin's class, we could have a sense of humor, and yet still have fruitful discussion"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Persuasions by Douglas Wilson


Greyson Mehrmann

Pleasanton, TX

"My Logos Online School experience began in high school, my freshman year to be exact. It was the fall of 2020, and I was not quite sure what to expect with LOS. However, I quickly began to see exactly what this great school was all about. It was also the school my cousin Reese would be attending, and we have been blessed to experience high school together. All of my classes were super helpful in my learning experience (which has been the case in all four years of high school) and all the classes were super fun as well. Through the years, I have realized how important LOS was in my walk with Christ, and how impactful it has been to my current life and future. LOS has truly been a blessing in my life, and I am extremely grateful. Through my high school experience, I have made many great friends and many great memories. A group chat from my Spanish 2 class, which I took sophomore year, still has conversations to this day. During my junior year, classmate Justin Rieb and I decided to give each other nicknames, his being Gustin and mine being Jreyson (super creative, I know) and we still use those to this day. These are just a couple of the many examples I have of memories and friendships created.

Not only have the friends that I have made been great, but the teachers that I have been fortunate enough to have classes with have been truly amazing. These teachers truly exemplify what it means to be followers of Christ. Without the teachers I have had, I believe my educational experience would be far worse. LOS is great, because the schedule allows me to do the things I enjoy, while also holding me accountable. With LOS, I was able to take off to play baseball my sophomore year and basketball my senior year.

Speaking of baseball, I must make it known that is the greatest sport ever created. Mr. Smith would agree. Some things I enjoy outside of school are watching sports with my family, hanging out with friends, and making jokes. In terms of future plans, I will be attending Abilene Christian University (Go Cats!), and I will be majoring in Youth and Family Ministry, while minoring in entrepreneurship. After college, Lord Willing, I will be a Youth Minister, and maybe one day be a pulpit minister. I also hope to somehow be involved in sports one way or another, whether that be a baseball coach or just being able to discuss sports publicly in some fashion (which is very possible nowadays). While I may have plans for my future, whatever God’s plan is for me is what I plan to follow. Through Logos Online, I have been well-prepared to take on the world. However, the most impact LOS has had on me is growing my relationship with God, which is all I could ever ask for."

Favorite in-class experience: "either talking about baseball with Mr. Smith or making Mr. Rauch laugh super hard once"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "I have two. Christianity & Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen and That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis."


Nicolas Miceli

Simi Valley, CA

"Growing up in California, I attended public school for most of my school career. In the meantime, I was on the local swim team, did taekwondo for some years and received a first degree black belt, I'm no Bruce Lee though. As the seasons changed, I’d enjoy mountain biking, fishing, and skiing. Otherwise, I’d be tinkering and building stuff, or learning the guitar. Before I knew it time flew and then Covid happened. I switched to Logos sophomore year and have continued ever since. This was the best thing that ever happened to my education and faith. As far as the future, it’ll be interesting and exciting what the Lord has in store for me ahead. Currently, I work at the local community pool as a lifeguard, and will be attending college to become an engineer, using my skills and knowledge to help others. I thank the Lord for Logos, and am thankful for everyone who makes Logos possible!"

Favorite in-class experience: "the in-class discussions in Humanities and the Rhetoric lectures"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Robinson Crusoe


Steven Miller, III

Irving, TX


"My educational journey has felt like a long one, but ultimately a very beneficial experience. I was born and have grown up in the town of Irving, Texas, which is a suburb of Dallas. My first year of school was kindergarten, starting in 2011. I attended a small, K through 5, non-denominational Christian school near my home, and graduated from there in 2017. That was a good experience for me, and I was very happy there. My parents also were very pleased, because of the faithfulness of the teachers and staff – and the school’s dedication to instilling in its students a solid Christian foundation.

Once elementary school ended, my parents decided to enroll me in what was supposed to be a “Classical” charter school. This, unfortunately, only lasted for about two weeks, as my parents decided to unenroll me because my history teacher (who was slated to remain my history teacher for the next three years) confused left wing propaganda with actual history. With no known better alternative at hand, my parents decided to homeschool me themselves for the rest of that year. However, the overwhelming combination of working fulltime and homeschooling was aging them prematurely. Over the course of the following summer, while my parents were researching alternative options to continue my homeschooling, they discovered Logos Online. They decided to give it a try, and enrolled me for 7th grade. After a year, they concluded that Logos Online worked very well for me, and decided to continue my education there and enroll my younger brother Robert as well.

In my time at Logos, I have benefited greatly from the education received. Not just from the books that we read, or the material that we cover, but also the mindset it instills in you – and the interest it fosters in various important subjects. I don't think it would be unreasonable for me to say that I owe to Logos my interest in theology, ancient history, and philosophy. I think that all of these areas of study I either simply find interesting for my own sake, or have strengthened my walk in Christ and improved my life greatly in various capacities. While I am very excited to move on to the next chapter of my life, and work towards getting a degree that will help me be able to raise a family comfortably, I will say that I am going to miss Logos greatly. I will never forget or regret my time there and the effect it has had on me."

Favorite book studied at LOS: The Apocrypha


Kaylie Nagel

Haslet, TX

"Howdy Howdy Buenos Watermelon!

Since being born over 17 years ago, I have lived in all different sections of the US, currently living in the great old state of Texas. I live with my parents (obviously), as well as 5 other siblings. I am the second oldest, meaning I often get to play babysitter. We have a wide range of ages, starting at 19 going all the way down to 1.

I started Logos during the great Covid shutdown during my freshman year, and have since done Logos for a whopping 4 years. During those 4 years, I have made many many friends, and my friendships with them have only grown. We’ve had some wild times, from starting a war over the currency of a nation, which should obviously be chickens (team Angel forever!!), to blasting music at the beginning of class, with teacher permission of course.

During these last two years I have had the great opportunity of competing in speech and debate, where I have been able to meet a ton of great friends inside my state and in the nation at large. I have competed in 8 different speech categories, team policy debate, as well as moot court.

Other hobbies include: baking, reading, hanging out with friends, playing with my baby brother, annoying my older sister, laying on people during movies, dancing (and I mean the good dances…not those weird ones that the world thinks are cool), and sleeping (don’t get to do that much anymore).

After graduating, I will hopefully be attending the Culinary School of Fort Worth, where I can learn how to feed people. I also plan to start a catering business with one of my best friends, and hope to eventually start a family and feed them some delicious food. Imma just say this now, if you have actually spent all this time reading then you have WAY too much free time and need to find a new hobby.

Pasta La Bye Bye!"

Favorite in-class experience: "the war between team Angel and the Lone Star Syndicate (TEAM ANGEL FOREVER) in Humanities"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "We were supposed to read?? Probably That Hideous Strength"


Jeremiah Peters

Abingdon, VA


"I grew up in Long Island, New York. I was homeschooled for that whole time. When I was 14 our family moved to Abingdon, Virginia where we now live, and I started Logos Online that year. This year has been great, with solid teachers and fun classmates! Throughout my school education I've also been taking piano and drum lessons, and have recently started leading worship on piano for our church. I hope to continue to play and create music, and one day be a drummer for a church worship team. Aside from music, I also like to stay active with soccer, lifting, and running. I am well on track to break a 5-minute mile at my upcoming race, and then I plan to transition back to distance training for my first marathon this summer. I am planning on pursuing a career in speech language pathology."

Favorite in-class experience: "Mr. Pineiro's class last year"

Favorite book studied at LOS: The City of God by St. Augustine


Joshua Randle

Kenosha, WI

"I grew up in Kenosha, Wisconsin and have never moved. My mom taught me and my three brothers since childhood to middle school. This is when we attended a public middle school. It has been amazing to share these experiences with my brothers as they have been with me every step of the way. It is nice always having someone to rely on. We concluded middle school with honor roll grades and proceeded to join a “new” Christian online school. None of us had any idea what it would be like. The first few classes and friends we made helped so much. In the next couple years, many of the other youth at our church would follow, and soon enough, a little army of Logos kids sprung up in Kenosha! I have enjoyed the school and hope for nothing but the best to my fellow classmates and the future students of Logos. I plan to attend college for computer science. I have always been interested in computer science and all of the things you can do with it, and I’m excited for the next chapter of my life!"

Favorite in-class experience: "The presentations with end-of-the-year projects are always a blast!"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "Phantastes by George MacDonald was my favorite book."


Nathan Randle

Kenosha, WI

"Since birth, I have been raised up in the local church which instilled strong Christian roots for my later educational journey. I was homeschooled with my three brothers from kindergarten to middle school. My mother mainly, but also my father, were diligent and active in pushing me and my brothers to think critically and proficiently. My mom may have made me cry a few times. I passed just barely with a D in one of my classes.

My hobbies at this time in my life include drawing, reading, video games, and playing with Legos. I attended public school from middle school to high school. I put up multiple of my drawings during this time in the school art museum, played local outdoor soccer the whole time, and I received high honor roll. I have attended Logos Online School for all of high school. From my cumulative experience, I can now say that this was the best education I have received. During this time, I have started playing the violin, assisting in Sunday school, and aspiring to make simple life improvements. At the time of writing this I have had all A's. In the future I plan to attend Bethlehem College and Seminary (BCS) for an Undergraduate degree and a master's degree in ministry."

Favorite in-class experience: "Mr. Goode's theological debates"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Faerie Queene Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves by Edmund Spencer


Jadon Rokey

Brownwood, TX

"I lived in Kansas until I was ten, when my family and I moved to West-central Texas. I have been classically schooled my whole life; I was homeschooled until 7th grade, and then I completed 7th and 8th grade at a classical private school. Coming to Logos was not what I originally wanted, as I really wanted to play football. Throughout my first two years of high school I did not put forth as much effort as I should have, partly because I didn't really want to be there, and partly because I was just lazy. As I went into my junior year, I realized something needed to change. I was not glorifying God through how I was handling my schooling. I am so thankful my parents chose to do what God was directing them to do and not what I wanted to do with my education. I have learned so much, I have had the ability to have amazing teachers and have a classical education that is invaluable.

Aside from school, I enjoy being outdoors, specifically hunting and spending time in the woods. I also enjoy running 5k's and have had the privilege of being able to place top 3 several times. As far as my plans for after high school go, I intend to (Lord willing) get my EMT certification and either pursue a career there or in a similar line of work, such as a police officer or firefighter. In the end, I hope to follow wherever God leads me and glorify Him through that."

Favorite in-class experience: "Hannibal Week with Mr. Goode and then great class discussions with Mr. Thighe in Econ and Gov"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Hands down Phantastes by George MacDonald


Isaac Roy

Lafayette, LA

"Everything about these 4 years with Logos was fun, enjoyable, and educational and I will recommend more people to join. A little about myself, I like to work, fix things, and clean things like trucks, four wheelers, and dirtbikes. I like being outside, I'm barely inside, I like the outdoors and will always be outside. I like camping, mudding, fishing, riding four wheelers, and dirtbikes, and driving my truck. If I could do one job for the rest of my life it would be cutting grass. It’s easy money and you get to be outside all day."


Reese Royal

Pleasanton, TX

"I have been homeschooled since 5th grade. I started off going to a co-op in our town in Pleasanton, Texas. The co-op I was a part of did not have a curriculum for high school, so we found Logos, and I have been a part of it since my freshman year. I have been a member of 4H since the 3rd grade. In 4H, I showed lambs for 10 years. I really enjoyed showing and have learned a lot about lambs over the last 10 years. At our county show I also took the Skillathon test. This was a test about your knowledge on sheep.

I have participated in shooting sports; I shot rifle for 2 years and archery for 6 years. In archery, I shot a compound aided bow. I also participated in Livestock Judging at our county livestock show. Over the years I was in 4H, I held many offices: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

I have wanted to be a vet for as long as I can remember. I have grown up on a farm/ranch for most of my life, and have had a lot of exposure to animals. In my junior year of high school, I was given the opportunity through a grant to start the Vet Science Certificate Program through Texas A&M AgriLife. For this program, I have to complete 300 hours of clinical work, while also completing the 200 hours of skills and class work. This program will allow me to graduate high school with my Veterinarian Assistant Certification. Through the hands-on hours, I was able to sit in and help with surgeries, learn about the different equipment, palpate cows, give vaccines, draw blood, along with many other things. Working and being able to see the daily life of a vet ensured that this was what I wanted to do. I have been accepted into Texas A&M University, and I will be going there this fall. I will major in Animal Science. After I get my bachelor’s, I hope to get into the A&M Vet School. After this, I would like to become a large animal vet. There are many different paths in the veterinary field that I have considered, but all in all I would like to be able to help the farms and ranches around me, and make it more convenient for the farmers/ranchers to give their animals the right care."

Favorite in-class experience: "joking around in Spanish 2 class with Mrs. Mondoy and my classmates"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "My favorite book that we studied was Citizen Soldier in IH4 class with Mr. Smith."


Kaelynn Rye

Ankeny, IA


"I was born in Des Moines, IA. Later, I was adopted by my loving parents at the age of three! I was homeschooled until 10th grade, and then joined Logos Online for my last two years of school. It has been a wonderful experience, from laughing at the jokes Mr. Merkle made in Latin class, or having fun debates with the kids in some of my classes, specifically my Apologetics class, I have loved getting to know all of my teachers and classmates. I have made some really good friends and hope to stay in touch with them. My teachers have been a great help and have made me love subjects that I never knew I would. I loved Advanced Biology with Dr. G-P, Music Theory with Mrs. Tidwell, Humanities with Mr. Litwin and Dr. Soderberg, Apologetics with Dr. Soderberg, Latin with Mr. Merkle, and Consumer Math with Mrs. Mutart. I passed all of my classes with A’s. Not only did we learn, but we had a fun time cracking jokes and talking about different topics.

I love playing the cello. It is one of my favorite things to do. I was part of the Des Moines Philharmonic group for two years and then moved up to the Youth Symphony for the past three years. I enjoy playing music, and am going to Faith Baptist Bible College and plan to major in music education. After graduating college, Lord-willing, I will be married and will be starting a life as a stay-at-home mother."

Favorite in-class experience: "listening to all the silly jokes that Mr. Merkle made"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis in Apologetics class with Dr. Soderberg"


Eisley Smyers

Colorado Springs, CO 

"I have been homeschooled my whole life. Being a military kid I've moved all over the world. Homeschooling provided flexibility, but most importantly allowed my parents to have a say in everything I was taught. I started online schooling my freshman year of high school, but I didn't end up at LOS until my junior year. The education I have gained here has helped me learn and grow as a student.

Outside of school, I enjoy reading, art, music, and doing ministry with my family. I have had the unique experience of living in Italy most of my life. I am so thankful to my parents for spending countless hours on finding the best education for me and my siblings, and to my teachers these past two school years for growing my knowledge, and investing time into making learning fun!"

Favorite in-class experience: "The Friday Song sung by Mr. Thighe every Thursday"

Favorite book studied at LOS: City of God by Augustine


Noah Stefani

Whitestown, IN

"My name is Noah Stefani. I live in Indiana with my parents and my sister. I started Logos Online my freshman year of high school, previously having attended various other private schools and homeschool. I have a strong interest in bacteriology, linguistics, and mathematics. I am planning to study Biochemistry at Purdue University, possibly dual majoring in Linguistics."

Favorite in-class experience: "learning Biblical Hebrew in Mr. McQuinn’s class"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Paradise Lost


Silas Tetrick

Kenosha, WI

"Early on I attended public school and transitioned to Logos my freshman year of high school. It was a huge learning curve and quite the challenge, but I have learned so much in the last four years and the struggles have definitely helped to shape me for the future. I plan to attend Parkside University with an interest in Computer Science or Criminal Justice."

Favorite in-class experience: "mock Congress"

Favorite book studied at LOS: The Hobbit


Sophia Thuemmel

Ypsilanti, MI

"Growing up in a family of eight kids and living on the mission field for the majority of my life, has made me accustomed to constant change and ready for new adventures from a young age. Although my parents are from Michigan, I was born in Central Asia, and we moved to the beautiful Middle East two years later. My mother faithfully and patiently homeschooled us all in elementary school, and from kindergarten through third grade I attended the local public school as well, where I quickly made friends, learned to speak the language, and helped my classmates during English class ;). In junior high, I did a mix of homeschool and online classes with The Potter’s School, and I eventually transitioned full-time into online school with both TPS and LOS in order to receive a solid Christian (and American) education in a Muslim culture.

During the years, I developed a love and interest for baking, reading, taking photos and videos, hiking the hills, swimming in the sea, and jamming with my family on musical instruments. I started taking violin lessons at the age of seven and have had so much fun learning it, along with piano and guitar.

In the summer of 2022, my family moved back to the US. I am so grateful to have continued with Logos Online in my last two years of high school, which has been a strong and familiar school in the midst of transitioning into life in Michigan. I am also so blessed to have had encouraging and inspiring teachers who have increased my love for learning (shoutout to Mr. Smith!). In the year ahead, I plan to take a gap year to receive ministry training and be involved in short-term missions for several months overseas. During that time, I will also be praying about whether I should continue my academic studies or pursue the culinary arts. Regardless, I plan to serve the Lord wherever He calls me."

Favorite in-class experience: "jeopardy in Integrated Humanities with Mr. Smith"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Probably A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens


Samuel Tullos

Opelousas, LA

"I was born and raised in South Louisiana. I (and my 7 siblings) have been homeschooled by our awesome mother our whole lives. When I reached the 7th grade, my parents decided to put me in a new curriculum they had heard about, Logos Online. Six years later, I can say that that was one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. I have enjoyed every year of school since then, even though LOS has been one of the most challenging things I have ever done. Outside of school, I played football since the 7th grade, earning all-state homeschool quarterback honors in my sophomore and junior seasons. I currently plan to attend Louisiana Christian University in the fall, where I will be playing football and working toward a degree in exercise science."

Favorite in-class experience: "laughing at jokes with my classmates in Calculus class to keep ourselves from crying"

Favorite book studied at LOS: Either Animal Farm or Paradise Lost


Madelynn Varner

Escalon, CA

"I was born in Modesto, CA and have relocated many times in California since then. I went to public school for my elementary years and when I hit 6th grade switched to charter school. We went through a couple of charter schools before going completely independent when I got to high school. School was always very, very rocky until I started Logos Online in my junior year. Best decision ever! I had mostly been exposed to secular, worldly teaching, so Logos was a breath of fresh air. And a challenge. The standards and expectations that are set by the teachers are high: at the same time, my teachers always worked alongside me to reach them and helped me to improve after failing. The classes I took and am currently finishing are packed with Scripture and have an abundance of difficult, encouraging, brain tickling, and hilarious conversation. The teachers of this school have a way of kindling a love for learning and for God and His creation. I am so very thankful for them!

I am also very thankful for my mom who has always been the one to point me and my two siblings back to Scripture. She has been one of my best friends my whole life, but especially through high school. Aside from school, I love to read, play volleyball, and go swing dancing with friends. I am also a bit of a cat person and can carry on a full conversation with mine (I have three). I can't say that I really have any plans for the future, but I am going to take a gap year so that I can work, possibly take music classes, and apply at New Saint Andrews. I don't know for sure whether or not I will go if I'm accepted but it seems like a wonderful option. (My sister is currently attending and has nothing but good things to say.) Lord willing, I hope to one day get married, have kids, and send them to Logos!"

Favorite in-class experience: "when in Spanish ll we attempted to sing someone happy birthday (in Spanish) and it sounded awful"

Favorite book studied at LOS: "The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis was definitely my favorite read."


Iona VonderLuft

Brush Prairie, WA

"I grew up in southern Washington state and have been homeschooled all my life. Growing up I took art lessons, piano lessons, gymnastics and ballet. I have taken piano lessons for the longest amount of time, and have had the same teacher for the whole duration. It has been a joy to learn from her! She is in her eighties and has been in many places with many people, playing concerts and picking up many stories to tell and pass on to her students.

In my sophomore year, I did two classes with Logos: Integrated Humanities B with Mr. Spratt and Spanish I with Mrs. Butler. As a junior, I took Integrated Humanities I with Mr. Sumpter and Spanish II with Mr. Belch. In my sophomore and junior years I took biology and chemistry with a local learning center. For my senior year I took Geometry, Spanish III, Integrated Humanities IV, and How to Write.

This coming school year I plan to be a student at Kingdom Movement School of Ministry in Vancouver, Washington. I look forward to growing in understanding of my identity in Christ, learning more of Him, and becoming equipped to walk as He walked."


Mila West

Moncks Corner, SC


"Even through the extreme highs and lows throughout my high school years, the Lord has been so present through it all. My parents have guided and discipled me through all the lows, and have encouraged me in the midst of the highs—I wouldn't be where I'm at today without them. My parents have also pushed me to become the hardest worker I can be. I've gotten good grades in high school, was able to skip my junior year, got promoted at my first job (Chick-fil-A), and started working a "big girl" job. These examples aren't just evidence of the influence of my parents, but the kindness of the Lord. I’ve learned that I’m not working for a boss at work, or teachers, and especially not myself (which was a hard one to realize)—I’m ultimately working for the glory of the Lord. Once the Lord convicted me of that, my work ethic has changed tremendously. I love any form of art—since I’m not super talkative, it’s hard to express myself that way. I’ve learned to express through art such as playing violin, journaling, or painting. I plan on going to college for a business degree at Charleston Southern University and hope to own my own business."


Parker Brown

Coeur d'Alene, ID


Sadie Brown

Hannibal, MO


Collin Crary

Lakeside, CA


Isaiah Crispin

Berea, KY


Ema Crum

Gwinn, MI


Christopher Dang

Fort Smith, AR


Anna Dronov

Harrisonburg, VA


Lael Fisher

Fort Mitchell, AL


Troy Flaming

Albany, OR


Tranquility Frankowicz

Campbellsville, KY


Ian Garstka

Arnold, MD


Celia Goding

Farmington, ME


Evan Gray

Spokane Valley, WA


Hope Hakimian

Viola, ID


Ethan Hamm

Marion, SD


Seth Harkness

Moscow, ID


Landon Hopper

Weatherford, TX


Jayden Howard

Auburn, AL


Bohan Jarrett

Cordova, TN


Emily Kasselman

Scott City, KS


Joel Konecny

Frisco, TX


Laird Lane

Sagle, ID


Spring Leone

New Braunfels, TX


Elizabeth Levitskiy

Wilmington, DE


Axel Malmberg

Sheridan, WY


Alister Mangle

Tacoma, WA


Marc McKenney

Gainesville, GA


Joel McKenney

Gainesville, GA


Sarah Meyer

La Grange, KY


Jackson Mooring

Moscow, ID


Christian Niczyporuk

Liberty Lake, WA


Paisley Noel

Greencastle, IN


Miyei Park

Mountlake Terrace, WA


Elijah Patz

Swartz Creek, MI


Aiden Pecyna

Amity, OR


Kaden Peterson

East Peoria, IL


Rocco Redman

Newport Beach, CA


Aryan Samuel

New York, NY


Emma Smith

Crestview, FL


Allyson So

Franklin, TN


Zacary Thibodeaux

Lafayette, LA


Isabel Velasquez

Jourdanton, TX


Daliah Wanders

Jerseyville, ON Canada


Gabriel West

Yukon, OK


Burke Wilson

Dryden, ON Canada


Our graduates were accepted to these colleges:

Abilene Christian University

Bethlehem College and Seminary

Biola University—Torrey Honors College

Boston College

Butte College

California State—Fullerton

California State—Polytechnic Pomona

California State—San Bernardino

Cedarville University

Charleston Southern University

Columbia Southern University

Culinary School of Fort Worth

Dallas Community College

Faith Baptist Bible College

Florida Atlantic University

Florida State University

Gateway Community College

Gateway Technical College

George Fox University

Cornell University

Indiana University

Liberty Online University

Louisiana Christian University

Mississippi College

Mississippi State University

Missouri State University

Moorpark Community College

New College of Florida

New Saint Andrews College

Northwest University

Parkside University

Patrick Henry College

Pensacola State College

Providence Christian College

Purdue University

Radford University

Rowan University

Southeast Missouri State University

Spring Arbor University

Syracuse University

Texas A&M University

The Master's University

University of Arkansas—Fort Smith

University of Central Florida

University of Florida

University of Louisiana

University of Michigan—Flint

University of Riverside

University of South Florida

University of Washington

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