Our Story
When you consider how long classical education has been around (thousands of years), Logos Online School is new to the game. However, we have been at the forefront of the resurgence of the classical and Christian education movement for almost forty years—before the internet was even a thing.
It all began in 1981. The setting was a little town called Moscow in northern Idaho. A handful of educational pioneers, armed only with faith and an essay written by Dorothy Sayers, opened the doors of Logos School in the hopes of providing a Christian and classical education for their children. Ten years after those first students entered Logos School, one of the school’s founding fathers, Douglas Wilson, was asked by Crossway Publisher to write a book on Christian education. Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning was published in 1991. The book explained the need for Christian and classical education and introduced Logos School to the world.
Classical Christian schools sprang up around the nation, and homeschoolers also began to apply the same principles in their endeavors. Organizations such as Veritas Press, Classical Conversations, and Memoria Press, used Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning as a sort of handbook and got to work figuring out how to apply the ancient educational philosophy in today's culture. Soon parents, schools, and homeschoolers began contacting Logos School, asking for their unique materials. Logos Press was created to meet the growing demand. As technology changed and the internet became a part of the fabric of our culture, the demand for online Christian and classical education was felt, and Logos Online School was founded by Dr. Larry Stephenson in 2012.
Our Mission
Logos Online School exists to support parents in their biblical responsibility to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. To this end, we provide a Christ-centered classical education for grades 7 through 12 that is convenient, affordable, and accredited.
Our school motto is "Acta Non Verba," which means "Actions Not Words." Dr. Stephenson's inspiration for our motto comes from James 1:22-25, which tells us not just to be hearers of the word, but to be doers. This is our vision for our students: that they take the knowledge of God, His Word, and His world from their years with us and internalize it, working it out in every area of their lives. Watch Dr. Stephenson talk more about it.
Our Parents
We aim to cultivate in our parents a sense of responsibility for the school; to see them well informed about the goals of our classical and Christ-centered approach. We desire them to grow with the school, involved in and excited about the journey. We aim to help them to follow biblical principles in addressing concerns, to be inclined to hearing both sides of a story before rendering a verdict, and to embrace the Scripture’s injunctions to encourage and stir up one another to love and good works.
Our Students
We aim to graduate young men and women who think clearly and listen carefully with discernment and understanding; who reason persuasively and articulate precisely; who are capable of evaluating their entire range of experience in the light of the Scriptures; and who do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God. We desire they have a heart for the lost and the courage to seek to dissuade those who are stumbling towards destruction; that they distinguish real religion from religion in form only; and that they possess the former, knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Teachers
We desire our instructors to be professional and diligent in their work, gifted in teaching, loving their students and their subjects. We desire they clearly understand classical education, how it works in their online classroom and how their work fits into the whole; that they possess a lifelong hunger to learn and grow; and that they have opportunity to be refreshed and renewed. We look to see them mature in Christ, growing in the knowledge of God, their own children walking with the Lord.
Avg. Class Size
Meet the Team
"Logos Online School instructors are highly qualified… they go above and beyond to make themselves available to my sons when they have had questions or problems with their assignments, even after classroom hours." - Karen Stafford, LOS Parent

Dr. Larry Stephenson
Owner and Superintendent
Dr. Larry Stephenson has spent over thirty years in educational administration and has earned a BS in Education, with Math as a teaching field, as well as a Masters and a Doctorate in Educational Administration. He is the owner of Logos Online School, and the previous superintendent of Logos School in Moscow, Idaho. He has served on the national ACCS Board, has been an ACCS accreditor, and is the author of two books: The Administrator’s Handbook and The College Advising Handbook for Administrators and Parents. His desire is to facilitate excellent classical, Christian schooling for every family that desires it for their children.
Besides being a curriculum wonk, Dr. Stephenson has an extensive background in athletics that culminated with being drafted by the Memphis Showboats and attending training camp on contract with the Kansas City Chiefs in 1985 as a quarterback. He has since successfully coached several sports but spends what free time he has now completing home remodeling projects, grilling for his family, playing board games with his grandchildren, and golfing. He and his wife, Kelly, have been married for forty years, and have three daughters, a son, and ten grandchildren.

Mr. Brent Belschner
My educational and career journey has been very different then what I planned when I announced to my fourth grade class that I would play professional baseball. This obsession took me to a couple of colleges, eventually landing at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. I managed to get a degree in math (and, of course, P.E.) while playing and then coaching baseball at the college level. As we started our family in the late 80s, I was teaching math and coaching in Texas; but after seven years of this, God changed my heart and our path. From my experience teaching in the government schools, it was clear to me that “school was no place for kids” (as I announced to my understanding wife) and that we needed to do something different with our family. And so we began homeschooling our oldest when he started kindergarten, not knowing anyone else crazy enough to do it, too. At about the same time, I realized I needed a new career. The Air Force liked my math and athletic abilities which got me in the door of their Officer Training Program as an "old man" of 32 years. Our family continued to grow, and our homeschool became a worldwide adventure. I was honored to serve in the Air Force for 15 years, rising to the rank of Major and picking up a Master's degree along the way. We moved to Moscow, Idaho when I separated from the military and I worked for Economic Modeling Specialist International (EMSI) before joining Logos Online full time.
My lovely wife, Sandy, and I have seven kids, ranging in age from 37 down to 19. We also have a bazillion grandkids!
God has been gracious to us throughout our 26-year homeschool journey to educate our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Back in the day, homeschool resources were nowhere near what they are now. We would have been very grateful for an option like Logos Online School.

Mrs. Sandy Belschner
I'm an Okie. If you know your history, that used to be a derogatory term. But "I'm proud to be an Okie..." (as the song goes). My great-great-grandfather staked his claim to our land during the Oklahoma Land Rush, and most of my family did not leave during the Dust Bowl. I grew up going to church and singing Southern Gospel music alongside three generations of Okies.
After earning a B.S. in Business Communications at Missouri State University in 1988, I married a handsome, baseball-playing Texan who boldly stated that we would live in the Lone Star State for the rest of our lives. But after the Lord changed his heart of stone into a heart of flesh (for real), baseball was no longer the guiding force in our lives, and a career-change into the U.S. Air Force started our growing family on an amazing adventure. We started homeschooling that same year. As Brent was pinning on his first gold bar as Second Lieutenant, I was trying to figure out how to teach my oldest how to read. We homeschooled for the entire time we were in the military, topping out our family with seven fantastic kids - four boys and three girls. Eventually we sent our firstborn off to college in Moscow, Idaho while we were living in Germany. In 2008, we said goodbye to military life, hoping to plant the rest of our family in Moscow, too. All the folks back in Oklahoma and Texas really had a hard time understanding this one...until they came to visit and saw this amazing Christian community in person. Over the next decade, some of the Belschner kids would attend and graduate from Logos School (the original brick and mortar one), while others would continue their studies at home with Logos Online School. During all this, I would teach at Logos, develop curriculum for Logos Press, and help launch the online school.
And did I mention the grandkids? Twenty and counting!
Of course, I also get to serve the many Logos Online families who are on this same, crazy homeschool adventure. When you call, be sure and settle in with your list of questions and a cup of coffee - I can’t wait to hear your story!

Mrs. Anita Harkness
Customer Service
Hello my name is Anita Harkness.
I grew up in a small town in southwest Michigan where I attended a Christian private school. The same school where I met my husband, Nick. We’ve been married for 21 years. In addition to being a wife, I am also a mother to 4 sons. We have been homeschooling for 13 years. 5 of those years with LOS. Our oldest graduated last spring. We have 2 sons currently attending LOS while I homeschool our youngest independently until he is old enough to jump into LOS with his brothers.
We moved to Idaho in 2019. That’s when I began to work on staff at LOS. I was already being blessed by the program so deciding to join the team was an easy decision and completely a God thing.
I am so thankful for the support of other godly homeschoolers and LOS as we raise our boys to know the Lord. I look forward to being able to serve other families in the same way!

Mrs. Kaitlyn Wright
Social Media Specialist
Hello! I was born and raised in Ohio (Go Buckeyes!). My husband Caleb, myself, and our four children recently moved to Moscow, Idaho for theological and educational opportunities. We love living in Moscow and we love Logos!
I am excited for the opportunity to work for Logos Online because I fully support the vision and mission. I homeschooled our oldest two children for a short time and I am well-aware of the blessing and benefit of having the support system of others pursuing like-minded education. As the Social Media Specialist I hope to bless, encourage, and support the administration, faculty, parents, and students by promoting and showcasing their wonderful work to the glory of God. With small children still at home, I am so grateful to God for this opportunity that still allows me to be a keeper at home (Titus 2:5). Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
My favorite activities include spending time with my family and church family, reading good books, exploring Idaho, spending time outside in the sunshine, running/walking, knitting, and cooking/baking delicious meals.

Mrs. Darcey Doyle
Social Media Manager
Darcey Doyle grew up in the classical Christian education world at Cary Christian School in Cary, NC and Logos School in Moscow, ID. She is honored to now share the gift of Christ-centered education with families across the nation.
Darcey received her Bachelor's in Liberal Arts from New Saint Andrew's College in 2020.
Outside of work, Darcey can often be found watching her husband Alex chase their toddler Eli in the park, while she drinks her coffee and pushes baby Charlie in the stroller. She's enjoying her small town life complete with weekly dinners with her large extended family, Saturday farmer's market outings, and quiet evenings at home painting or with a good book.

Mrs. Jamie Wilzewske
Receptionist & Admin. Assistant
Hi there! My name is Jamie Wilzewske. I grew up in South Dakota where I met my high school sweetheart, Dave. Dave joined the Army immediately after high school and we married a year later, starting our worldwide adventure of a 22-year military career. We've been married almost 25 years and have four children. Our military life was one of the many reasons we chose to homeschool our children. We not only wanted to ensure they received a Christian education, but also wanted to keep something steady for them in the midst of a life filled with unexpected moves. We started Logos Online with our oldest in 8th grade, with our other children following as soon as they hit 7th. It has been a Godsend for our family, especially as our children got older and needed something more rigorous than I could provide while we were living in an area with very limited options when it came to affordable Christian education.
We moved our family to Moscow in 2023, and currently have two children in Logos (brick-and-mortar), one in LOS, and one homeschooler who is registered for LOS next year. Joining the LOS team was an obvious choice for me because we have been blessed by this school for four years and counting. I'm excited to help other families experience the benefits and blessings of being part of this school and consider it a kindness of the Lord to be allowed to witness the kingdom of Jesus Christ grow as we all seek to bring our children up in the paideia of the Lord.

Mr. Cliff Allcorn
Logic and Integrated Humanities
Hi! My name is Mr. Cliff Allcorn. I was born in the Chicago area. I currently live in a small town in western Illinois with my wife and our three teenage boys. I have pastored in Illinois and California and also lived in Buffalo, New York. I consider myself a lifelong scholar and seeker of the truth. (Eph. 4:15).
My Bachelor's degree is in history, with strong minors in philosophy and political science. I hold two Master's degrees as well, one in Biblical Studies (Moody) and one in Land Warfare (American Military University). I have further graduate work in history (Russian) and Doctoral work in Biblical Greek. I have taught at both junior colleges and a seminary (church history, presuppositional apologetics, and exegesis). I have also taught younger students at a very small private school.
I enjoy fishing, gaming, and supporting my kids in martial arts. My wife is also a teacher, and you can frequently find the two of us engaged in lively discussions about theological issues.
I look forward to teaching your children to study and discover truth for themselves. Logos Online School is the school I wish I had been able to attend as a young adult. Through our studies of humanities and logic, I know your student will be challenged and inspired to understand the amazing truths about our Sovereign God.

Dr. Alex Barnes
Hi, I am Alex Barnes, and I am beyond grateful and blessed to be teaching at Logos Online School! I grew up in Auburn, Alabama, and went to Troy University on an academic and athletic scholarship and continued at the University of Alabama where I got my Ph.D. in Mathematics. Growing up, I was always fascinated with numbers, starting early with card games such as cribbage and continuing with statistics in sports as I got older. I fell in love with teaching as a graduate student at the University of Alabama and have been teaching at the college level ever since (over 10 years). However, my recent teaching environments didn’t want me to use math as a building block for faith in God openly. God designed an ordered logical world that can be seen through math, and I look forward to sharing that with students.
I grew up in the public school system and came to the Lord during my time at graduate school. Shortly after that, I met and married a wonderful woman, Rachel, who had been homeschooled her whole life. Through conversations and prayers, we were led to homeschool our children. We are currently teaching two at home and have two more that aren’t quite old enough yet for formal schooling.
I try to share my love of math with my students through their interests and applications of math. Some of my math interests include optimization, sports analytics, and statistics. When I am not doing math, I can be found with my kids (3 boys and 1 girl), and wife, outside, gardening, building something for our mini homestead, hunting, fishing, or playing almost any sport. Some of those sports include golf (which I played in college), soccer, basketball, and wiffle ball.
I am thankful for the grace of God and the opportunity to teach at LOS! I look forward to having you in class!

Mr. Michael Belch
I grew up in Venezuela as the child of missionary parents. There, I developed a love for Spanish and for Spanish-speaking culture. However, I did not gain fluency until my high school Spanish teacher forced us to learn the language at a more academic level. I returned to the U.S. for college and attended Eastern Washington University where I studied Government, Spanish, and English. During college I met the woman who became my wife. We married and had three children. During that time, I returned to the university where I earned an MFA in Creative Writing. At that point, God redirected me from a potential career in politics or teaching at a community college. Instead, he led us to move to Taiwan where I taught English and Spanish at Morrison Academy, an international school for missionary children and English-speaking foreigners in Taiwan. We also worked with another missionary family to plant a church there. After six years in Taiwan, we returned to the U.S. and settled in central Texas. Here, we have homeschooled our three children and my wife also works as a nurse.
I saw first-hand how good teachers could motivate me to learn and do more than I originally thought I could. I also learned how we can understand our Christian worldview more deeply when we see who God is and what he has done through our various areas of study. By God's grace, I now work to help my students learn much about English, Spanish, and the God who spoke to us in the beginning and continues to speak to us now.

Rev. Jason Biette
Hello LOS families and students! My name is Rev. Jason Biette. I have been married to my wonderful wife Jessica since 2004. We have three daughters: Ruthie, Phoebe, and Mabel, and two sons, Josiah and Boaz. I enjoy hunting, fishing, firearms, archery, camping, and most outdoor activities, and I especially enjoy doing these things with my family.
I grew up in Troy, New York, and received my undergraduate degree at Geneva College in Biology with a minor in Chemistry in 2001. I have taught for 24 years, focusing on science. I also spent a year studying at the Theopolis Institute in Birmingham, Alabama, and was named a Fellow after completing the Fellowship program. I have taken classes at Covenant Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Whitefield Theological Seminary, and I have a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.
It has been my honor to pastor several churches both in the Federation of Reformed Churches and the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches, most recently Covenant Reformed Church of Fairbanks, AK, a mission church in the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. I took my first call as an Associate Pastor in a small church in Winchester, VA, and served as pastor of my home church, Oakwood Bible Church (CREC) for nearly five years between 2009 and 2014. In the summer of 2014, I moved my family to the little town of Fork Union, VA where I took a position as a science teacher at Fork Union Military Academy. Outside of the classroom, I enjoyed assisting the Rifle Team and spending many hours as a pastoral counselor to the young men at the school. After serving the congregation of Covenant Reformed Church as their Interim Pastor during the summer of 2018, my family and I moved to Fairbanks in June of 2019 to take the call to be their full-time pastor. I finished that call in January of 2022 and moved back to central Virginia to start our homestead. I now serve as an elder at Providence Church (CREC) Lynchburg, VA.
Several of my children attend LOS, and I am very thankful for the opportunity to teach students at LOS about God's wonderful creation

Mrs. Tiffany Bone
Writing and Integrated Humanities
Hello Logos Online families! I have spent the last 15 years as a homeschool mom, a Classical, Christian administrator and a Humanities teacher and feel blessed that God called me to be part of this wonderful team. I believe that LOS is the best out there, and I can say that from experience, having been part of the school as a parent for several years.
I live in the great state of Florida where my family and I can often be found sailing, reading in the sunshine, hiking, or serving on the tech team at our church. I am also mom to three wonderful kids, two of whom have graduated from LOS and are now at University, and one who is still a student here. I received a combined degree from Pacific Lutheran University in Education and History.
I have always loved seeing how God weaves His story, and how He uses literature, history, science, and more to point us back to Him. I look forward to taking this journey with my students, as we travel around the world through books, all with the intention of seeing how our Creator wants to shape and mold our hearts, minds, and souls.

Mr. Logan Brown
Math and Science
I was born and raised in Eastern New Mexico. My wife and I are raising our four children in the same town I grew up in. I went to college at Eastern New Mexico University where I received my bachelor’s degree in biology with an emphasis in pre-medicine, and master’s degree in secondary education. My mom has a video of me in elementary school answering the question: What do you want to be when you grow up? I answered, I wanted to be a teacher or a doctor. Here I am, I’ve been a teacher for the past eleven years! I have taught most of the sciences for high school, including biology, anatomy and physiology, physical science, chemistry, earth science, and astronomy.
I am constantly amazed and in awe of the Grace of God. I came to the reformed faith later in life and it has blessed my family and my marriage in more ways than I can describe. I have had the privilege of volunteering at an abortion abolitionist outreach ministry for 3 years now. It’s a very hard and taxing ministry, but very rewarding every time an unborn image bearer of God is rescued from being led to the slaughter (Proverbs 24:11-12) [glory be to God and God alone]. Along with pleading for the lives of the unborn, we boldly declare the gospel to mothers seeking abortion, come alongside them, and support those in financial need. Through this ministry, I am constantly reminded of two things: (1) the total depravity of man that exists outside of the Grace of God and (2) Christ is eager and able to forgive all sinners, no matter what they have done if they repent and turn to Him as Lord and Savior.
When I am not teaching or doing ministry work, I enjoy spending time with my wife, kids, and my church family. My family enjoys playing board games and card games together. We enjoy going hunting, hiking, and camping. Through the years I have also coached tennis and soccer. My favorite sport is tennis, which I have played/coached for over 20 years. I have recently gotten into pickleball and enjoy playing it with my family (or anyone else that I can get to play). I also enjoy riding motorcycles occasionally, though I don’t own my own right now.

Dr. Joe Carlson
Integrated Humanities
Hello! I was born in Santa Cruz, California, in the ancient redwood forests that breathe in the magical coastal fog. My wife and I graduated from New St Andrews way, way back in 2005. Since then I have been a director of operations for a small family of coffee shops, a preaching and teaching elder at the church my wife and I grew up in, and, most recently, a doctoral student.
I received my MA in Humanities from the University of Dallas in 2021, and completed my coursework for my PhD in Literature from UD in 2024. I am the author of the Dante Curriculum, which includes an original blank verse translation of the entire Divine Comedy, as well as Reader's Guides, teacher resources, an interlinear translation, and an extensive video lecture series.
As of the summer of '24, my wife, our 7 year old son, and I will be living in Moscow once again, after a near 20 year absence. I love discovering the riches of Christ's beauty and magnificence in works of literature and in the poem God Himself has been telling us since the world was new born. I look forward to discovering the same with you all!

Mr. Samuel Davidson
This will be my second year serving at Logos Online School. My goal for you in learning math is to understand the reasons behind the concepts so you can appreciate its beauty and truth (as opposed to arbitrary rules imposed by a mysterious life-force). If you don't enjoy math, what's the point? Here's my background:
I was born and raised in the foothills of the Himalayas, in the quaint city of Chandigarh, India. I grew up in a nominal church but came to living faith in Christ when I joined St. Stephen's College, Delhi where I was discipled under Campus Crusade for Christ and Delhi Bible Fellowship. This is where I got my Bachelors and Masters in Mathematics.
Upon conversion in 2016, the first thing I did was to Google "A Christian Perspective on Mathematics" and found Redeeming Mathematics a book by Dr. Vern Poythress of Westminster Theological Seminary. That was my first exposure to Reformed Christianity! Ever since then I have grown in my love for the Lord and sought to integrate that with His good gift to us in mathematics.
In 2020, I sensed a call to the ministry and applied to Greyfriars Hall in Moscow, ID. I've been here since 2022 and am about to finish my MA in Theology and Letters from New Saint Andrews College. My long- term goal is to return home to, 1) disciple younger men, and 2) give my children a classical Christian education in the Indian context.
I'm married to my wife and fellow-worker in the Gospel, Ishita and we are blessed with our toddler, Jonathan.

Mr. Aiden Dixon
Integrated Humanities
My name is Aidan Dixon. I grew up in Sandpoint, Idaho at the junction of the Selkirk, Cabinet, and Bitterroot mountain ranges. Following an enlistment in the Marine Corps, I graduated from New Saint Andrews College and am currently working my way through a master’s program at Hillsdale College’s Van Andel School of Statesmanship.
I am married, with one daughter, and currently live in Hillsdale, MI

Mrs. Jemima Dixon
Logic and Integrated Humanities
Hello! My name is Jemima Dixon. I was born and raised in Moscow, Idaho, but have lived briefly in the UK and am currently living in Michigan while my husband completes his masters degree. I have a Bachelor's in Liberal Arts and Culture from New Saint Andrews College and a Certificate of Cuisine from Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School. I'm excited to start my second year at Logos Online!

Mr. Alexander Doyle
Latin and Logic
Born in Hawaii and raised all over the world, Alex Doyle grew up as the son of a career Navy officer. His mother was a first-generation homeschooling mom and he also took classes at an online classical Christian school in his later years.
In 2018, Alex graduated from New Saint Andrews College with a B.A. in Liberal Arts, finishing his education with a thesis translation and commentary of Book I of Ovid's Epistulae ex Ponto. After college, he spent six years as a marketing copywriter and ghostwriter, and worked with Ben Greenfield on his bestselling biohacking book Boundless. However, he felt called back into the world of classical Christian education. Now, he's excited to help other families pursue the same education his parents gifted him.
Outside of teaching, Alex is a certified coffee roaster and makes a mean pourover. He also sword-fights with his nuclear-powered toddler, makes silly faces at his baby, golfs with his in-laws, and subjects his wife to random trivia and book quotes.

Mr. Sean Doyle
I come from a Navy family, so I grew up in several different places. I was born on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, but I spent the majority my early childhood in Columbia, Maryland, and Naples, Italy. Living in Italy, I got to see the history of the ancient world, the Renaissance, and more in person by traveling around Europe. These experiences left me with a love for travel, art, and history. After Italy, we moved to Virginia Beach during my preteen years and then returned to Hawaii where I spent all of high school. While I was in college, my dad retired from the Navy, so he and my mom moved from Hawaii to Moscow, Idaho, where my older siblings had already gotten married and settled down.
In middle and high school, I took classes through online classical Christian schools. I am very thankful for my education because it pushed me to develop strong language skills and critical thinking. These skills proved to be crucial once I got to college. I started attending The Master's University in 2020. I chose this school because of its commitment to the truth of Scripture and the authority of Christ, which helped me grow in faith and in understanding God's word while I pursued my degree in Marketing Media. I also took advantage of several extra-curricular opportunities, including the university theatre program, the school choir, and a two-week study abroad traveling through Greece and Turkey along the paths that Paul took. I graduated in May of 2024, and I am extremely thankful to God for all the ways that he used my time at TMU to encourage, grow, and challenge me.
Now that I have finished my time at university, I am very grateful for the opportunity to teach at Logos Online School. It gives me a lot of comfort knowing I am working in an organization of people with whom I share a common faith and who will strive to glorify God and push me to do the same.

Mrs. Sara Enns
My name is Sara Enns. I grew up in Southern Ontario, Canada and always loved music and math. I was the kid who would make up challenging math questions to solve just for fun. I find it amazing to see how math describes God's creation. There is much proclaiming His glory!
I graduated with a BSc in Math from Brock University and have worked in various capacities over the years; from bookkeeping to cabinetry design to a math tutor and homeschool mom and a few others in-between. All had something to do with numbers! I have loved teaching math with Logos as we delve into how everything works together and shows God’s wisdom and some practical uses for math too.
I now live in a small town a couple of hours outside of Ottawa, Canada with my wonderful husband and five kids, some of which are attending Logos. When I’m not pouring over a good math problem, I also enjoy working on our hobby farm, in the garden, with my bees or watching my horses or chickens. There is always time for a good game, book, music, or bonfires with my family.
I'm looking forward to encouraging students to grow in their skills and share my love of math with them!

Dr. Hillary
Biology, Lead Teacher
I grew up in St. Joseph, Missouri, which is a bit north of Kansas City, and graduated from Central High School there. I was a kiddo who loved science from the start. By the grace of God, I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home, hearing the gospel and coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
I attended Southwest Baptist University where I earned a BS in biology. Then, I attended Iowa State University, where I was involved in some cool (ha!) Antarctic research. I earned a M.S. in cell and molecular biology from Missouri State University and a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction in science from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. I deeply enjoyed the opportunity to be a science professor at Southwest Baptist University for 18 years and taught a large variety of courses. I am totally delighted about my current call to teach for Logos Christian School and I aim to, with joy, behold the glory of God in science alongside my students.
I live in the Missouri Ozarks with my husband, five children, and a passel of pets. I love my family and my people, and I enjoy being outdoors, reading books, taking long walks and drinking good coffee.

Mr. James Goode
Writing and Integrated Humanities
Howdy! I'm a Texas boy who's wound up far away from the promised land. While I was born in Houston, my father was an Army chaplain and we moved eleven places over the next 22 years of my life-- everywhere from Germany to Washington D.C.! It kept the homeschooling career of me and my nine siblings exciting. There's nothing quite like studying westward expansion by accidentally getting lost on vacation in the Big Bend in a fifteen passenger van with the A/C out!
I finally left home to attend Texas A&M (and ROTC) for three semesters, but was forced to leave as the Iraq drawdown cut requirements for officers. I then decided to venture into the strange, new world of classical learning at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. Here I found other bookworms, folks who could argue about the finer points of Plato, Herodotus, or Augustine, and then go play a rousing game of frisbee afterward. I married a wonderful woman who loved all these things, too, and together we planted roots in our new home. Just like that, I have been in Idaho's panhandle longer than any other place in my life.
As for flavors of interest, I'm a history nut--anything old will do, although the American wars probably take precedence. I'm firmly committed to chasing the dream that someday I will read every book on my (currently) six bookshelves. I love walking, equally content with roaming the wilderness or sauntering through a picturesque downtown with my walking stick. When there's a theater production near me, I will find it and worm my way into it. If you really get to know me, you'll find out that I'm a bit of a superhero/Star Wars nerd. I worked a night job in a 24-hour grocery store for three years to get through college, so I always have a good anecdote at parties. And I love teaching.

Mrs. Molly Goode
I grew up in the beautiful countryside of Maryland. I was homeschooled with five brothers—who made sure I perfected the art of swinging a baseball bat left-handed. My mother taught me to love books by reading to me from a young age. My father taught me to love pastoral ministry by involving our whole family in his calling of pastoral work. When I turned 11 my family moved to southern Oregon, where we found a wonderful community of Christian homeschoolers.
After completing my high school education, I moved to Moscow, Idaho to attend New Saint Andrews College. I graduated from New Saint Andrews College with a BA in Liberal Arts and Culture in 2017. I married my wonderful, Texas-born, husband, James, in 2020, and we live in Moscow with many of our siblings.
In my free time I enjoy reading, singing in church choir, taking walks with my husband, and spending time with my family.
☆ Mrs. Goode has taught for Logos Online for 5+ years.

Miss Rachel Haislet
Math and Economics & Government
I have always imagined that I’d be a teacher and a writer. Here I am, delighted to be teaching at Logos Online School, while tutoring, editing books, writing Bible studies and other curriculum, and creating art with words and color on the side.
I came to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in 2011 through personal encounters in God’s Word and hearing the Gospel preached in the church where I have since been a member. Weekly fellowship through a women’s Bible study and a community group that opens God’s Word, prays, and breaks bread together encourages my soul. I especially enjoy serving the Lord in the kitchen at church, greeting people at the door, meeting practical needs, and participating in local evangelism outreaches.
I have earned a B.A. in economics from Pomona College, an M.A. in English composition with a certificate in reading instruction from San Francisco State University, a California single subject teaching credential in social studies and English from UMass Global, and a professional level teaching certificate in mathematics, social studies, and English through the Association of Christian Schools International.
After substitute teaching for three years in public middle and high schools in all subjects, teaching English to first-year university students as a graduate student, and tutoring for a decade, I joyfully accepted the invitation to teach Algebra I full time for Berean Christian High School where I served for four years immediately preceding my time at Logos Online School.
Being a learner and discovering connections across academic disciplines from a biblical perspective could not delight me more than they do. For love and with the Lord's help, I aim to use what I have received for the glory of God, the advancement of the Gospel, and for the good of students and their service to the Lord.

Mr. Jeff Harlow
Science, Logic, Math, and Integrated Humanities
My name is Jeff Harlow. My wife Lori and I homeschooled our two children through their high school education and have been blessed to watch them grow into faithful adults (now 36 and 32 respectively). We now live in Moscow, ID near to our youngest son and his family. My wife and I came to an appreciation of classical education late in our homeschooling. After our children graduated we have been delighted to encourage many families and their children in Christian and classical education.
I received my undergraduate education at Lily Bible School in Mackinaw, IL and have a Master's Degree in Theological Studies from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Lakeland, FL.
I was blessed to have been raised by faithful Christian parents, through whose diligent efforts I was launched from an early age into a lifetime of service to the Body of Christ. I have served as a pastor and church planter. I have also worked with several classical Christian Schools as a teacher, a tutor, a chaplain, and a headmaster.
I delight to demonstrate to young people the ways in which the Lordship of Jesus Christ may and ought to be integrated into all learning. For education is, I believe, entirely incomplete where all learning is not founded upon the rock that is Christ. It is my great joy to join godly parents in their work of training up their children in service of the Triune God and in preparation for a life of maturity and faithfulness to our Lord Jesus.

Mrs. Mandy Hedderly
Upper Level Math, Lead Teacher
Hi! I'm so excited to be on the Logos Online team! I live in Belton, Texas, which is smack-dab in the middle of this big ol’ state. I married my ruggedly handsome husband in 2002. We have four kids, which is something I never thought I'd say, but God’s plans are always better than my own and I am loving every minute of it :-)
I have a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Texas at Arlington. I worked in architecture until God directed my path to family life and teaching. I have taught and tutored math at a local college and private school. I jumped onboard teaching math with Logos Online School many years ago and have loved it ever since! Whether you love math or find it to be incredibly intimidating, I can meet you where you are and walk with you to the next level. I am overflowing with math-y goodness and I can't wait to share my enthusiasm for teaching and learning about this wonderful subject with you!
Non-math related facts about me: I play tennis, am a CrossFit trainer, and enjoy a good pun ("Math Thought Thursdays" have become a legendary event). I’m looking forward to seeing you in class! Together, we can put the fun in functions!
☆ Mrs. Hedderly has taught for Logos Online for 5+ years.

Mrs. Grace Jankovic
Integrated Humanities
Hello everyone! I have been a part of Logos Online School since the beginning and it has been a joy to watch it grow and flourish as it blesses families with Christ-centered education.
I grew up in small-town Kansas where I was homeschooled until 10th grade. My undergraduate degree is from Friends University in Wichita, Art History major with a minor in Religion and Philosophy. After a few years teaching and working in web design, I moved to Moscow, Idaho to pursue a Master’s degree at New Saint Andrews, but got distracted by the opportunity to help start Logos Online School. I was about to go back and finish the degree when I was happily distracted by Mike Jankovic. We got married in 2017 and just had our fourth child.
I have always loved reading books. Teaching Omnibus has been so rewarding as I get to read new (to me) books, reacquaint myself with familiar ones, and discuss them all with fun students in light of the best Book. Looking forward to another year of learning with you!

Mr. Justin Kane
Integrated Humanities
I love to teach! But first, some details: I've lived a rich life of adventure and learning, beginning with the blessing of growing up in a Christian family. My boyhood was one of constant adventure and outdoor life in the swampy forests between Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY. I've been to nearly every state in the nation (how does one miss South Dakota, anyhow?), and have had the blessing of traveling abroad to half a dozen wonderful countries, including Israel by myself, where for about half an hour I was the only person on earth sitting in front of the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. I've been married to Danielle for 13 years, and we have two daughters and a newborn son. God has been kind to me, more than I could describe in a full book.
As a teen, I learned the hard side of the Proverbs by running my head into the law of God as many times as I could handle before He brought me to my senses, granting me a genuine love for His Son and the gospel. Yes, the prodigals do come home, praying parents! I studied Biology and creative writing at the State University of New York in Brockport, finishing my English degree and then earning a Master of Theology degree at Northeastern Seminary. I am proficient in biblical Greek and know a generous amount of Spanish from years of using it in school and abroad. Also, my library has taken on a life of its own. Is buying another book when one has 40 in progress a sign of a great mind, or just being hopelessly Reformed? Perhaps we will never know.
My teaching career began early in my adult life. While in college I was asked to lead the local Campus Crusade for Christ chapter; I have taught Sunday School, church classes in the gospels, apologetics (my wheelhouse), worldview, comparative religions, and more. I taught English to children in China for several years, then rhetoric and composition at Roberts Wesleyan University for five years. Few things bring me more joy than to connect with my students on a personal level, and to see them begin grasping and loving the subject matter. I look forward to joining your family's education work and making it memorable for your student.

Mrs. Tamara Katsacos
Hello! My name is Tamara Katsacos and I am excited to be a part of Logos Online School! I was born and raised in a small town in northeast Florida, where I still currently reside with my husband and three children.
I attended the University of Florida where I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, and my Master’s Degree in Education. Mathematics has always been my favorite subject, so I became a certified teacher in Mathematics for grades 6-12, because I knew I wanted to share my love of math with my students! I taught in our local public school for several years, until my husband and I started our family. We have homeschooled our children since my oldest started school in 2014…and still have many more years to go! The Lord has blessed us tremendously on our homeschool journey – I’ve had the privilege of coordinating standardized testing for the homeschool students in our community and teaching at our local homeschool co-op.
Outside of teaching, my husband and I are actively involved in our church. We help lead our youth group and I play the piano for worship on Sundays. We like to garden, work on home projects, and play games. I love my daily cup of coffee, chocolate, and quiet evenings at home with my family. My favorite moments are the sweet times spent with family and friends!
I look forward to sharing my love of math and seeing where the Lord takes us this year!

Mrs. Karlen Kochar
Science and Math
I live in Fort Myers, Florida.
I have a BS degree in physics from Stetson University and a Master’s in Religious Education from Canadian Theological College in Saskatchewan, Canada.
After taking a year sabbatical it is with great anticipation that I begin a new year with Logos Online. Looking over 42 years of public school teaching, secular online teaching, and a 3-year stint with Logos has made me aware of the precious educational opportunity provided by Logos. Whether it’s physics, chemistry, math, art history, music history, or just plain history, I love learning in general and look forward to new adventures this year as I interact with the wonderful Logos students and families!
☆ Mrs. Kochar has taught for Logos Online for 5+ years.

Mr. Zachary Kwong
Science Department Chair
Hello and welcome to Logos Online School! I grew up in California, and was homeschooled for the majority of my pre-undergraduate years before graduating in 2012 from Wheaton College in Illinois with a B.S. in physics.
I first entered teaching because I loved helping students “get it.” I joined Logos Online School in the 2014-15 academic year, and enjoy creating applicable and authentic connections between the sciences and students’ lives, a challenge as some concepts can seem abstract and not significant to everyday life. Earning my M.A. in Integrative Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education (I-STEM) from Virginia Tech in 2017 gave me a much deeper understanding and approach for my craft. I continually strive to design assignments and lessons which present students with authentic contexts for science content. I am very interested in learning the best way to teach students how to learn and seek to hone my craft with the best research-based teaching practices and classroom management procedures.
I enjoy every discipline, and learning in general, and I look forward to sharing my wonder and excitement over God's creation with my students. Currently, I live with my wife Hannah, two sons Matthew and Tristan, and daughter Elysia in Salem, Virginia.
★ Mr. Kwong has taught for Logos Online for 10+ years.

Mrs. Mary-Margaret Larson
Hello! I live in the beautiful state of Vermont with my husband Eric, and our five children. Our oldest son works in I.T. and attended Boyce College, our second son is studying engineering at Cedarville University, and our daughters are thriving at Logos Online. We homeschool our youngest son, who has a developmental disability. His exuberant personality brings joy to everyone he meets.
As a young adult, God showed me the severity of my sin and redeemed me through the blood of His Son. Our family loves our growing reformed church in rural Vermont, where my husband serves as an elder, and I sing on the music team. I enjoy spending time with our church family, taking walks with my husband, catching up with my teens, camping at state parks, reading Spurgeon, eating popcorn, diagramming sentences, playing Scrabble, and listening to music by Andrew Peterson.
In 2004, I graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies from Briercrest Bible College in Saskatchewan. My love for teaching emerged as we homeschooled our children! During our 13 years with Classical Conversations, I tutored many levels using curricula such as Henle Latin, The Lost Tools of Writing, and Institutes of Excellence in Writing. I also benefited from training in classical pedagogy through CC, IEW, and CiRCE Institute.
Partnering with Logos Online has been a fabulous experience! I love learning alongside my students, supporting them in their education, and building relationships with them. Whether you are new to Logos or an experienced family, I look forward to meeting you!

Mrs. Cheri Lawler
II grew up in the countryside of Astoria, OR where I wandered a safe and quiet
neighborhood, sometimes composing poetry or catching frogs and other times
entertaining the elderly neighbors who relished my attention. After high school, I
traveled to Nampa, Idaho and graduated from Northwest Nazarene College where I
received a B. A. in Education as well as a home with my handsome soccer - playing
husband, Rob. We are blessed with five daughters and two sons all of whom have
played soccer at some point, and my career as a homeschool mom was firmly
established. We were introduced to classical, Christian education when our oldest
daughter, Autumn, attended Logos' Moscow, ID campus for second and third grade.
We moved away from Moscow, but found our way back to Logos when the online
school was established.
This year Rob and I celebrate God's kindness and faithfulness through 30 years of
marriage; to God be the glory! Our children have shaped us in so many character -
building ways; we are both extremely grateful. One (or more) of our witty and
entertaining children has attended LOS since 2013, so I certainly understand the
parent side of involvement! This is my fifth, going on sixth year teaching English 7 at
Our three adult daughters now live together in a comfy house full of plants and art
along with a precious, old, grey rabbit doe named "Hippo." Meanwhile, Rob and I
are back to three teenagers in the house, and Gabriella plans to join her fellow
seniors at Commencement - June 2026 - "Go, Lions!"
By God's great grace, I make room to read, to write, to pray, and to sing. I linger
barefoot in the garden. Hannah Hurnard's Hind’s Feet on High Places and the
companion book, Mountain of Spices continue to inspire me to keep my eyes on the
Good Shepherd and follow the King of Kings. "He makes my feet like the feet of a
deer; he enables me to stand on the heights" (Psalm 18:33).

Mr. Jacob Litwin
Integrated Humanities III & IV, Lead Teacher
I was born and raised in Southern California. By the grace of God, I heard the gospel at 16 and came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Christian Education from The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, California. I’m happily married and blessed with three wonderful kids.
I have experience teaching Integrated Humanities, Apologetics, and English Literature. Outside of LOS, I enjoy reading, playing board games, watching movies, and playing guitar.

Mr. Bruce Lorenzana
Apologetics, English, Latin, and Integrated Humanities
I was born in New York City and was raised, along with my four sisters, by my noble, hispanic
parents in central Florida. After almost two years of arduous struggles with doubt, I came to
saving faith at 15-years-old. My pursuit of Christ went on to be greatly nourished and fortified by
the classical education that my parents graciously provided me with from middle school to my
last year of high school. After graduating high school (Veritas Scholars Academy, class of 2019),
I was blessed to receive a full-ride scholarship to attend New Saint Andrew’s College in
Moscow, Idaho. I graduated cum laude from NSA with a B. A. in Liberal Arts and Culture in the
spring of 2023. Currently, I am pursuing an M. A. in Theology and Letters at NSA while teaching
Latin and Ancient Greek at the Ancient Language Institute.
Through my teaching, I intend to give students what I have received from these ten years of
studying the tradition of Western wisdom: a complete enchantment with the truth, goodness,
and beauty that our Triune God has woven throughout this created reality that we indwell. I
consider it the teacher’s responsibility to facilitate students’ encounters with truth, goodness,
and beauty, so that their souls would grow in holiness towards God.
The times when I feel most like an aristocrat are when I am reading the poetry of Jorge Luis
Borges, polishing aphorisms, training in muay thai, practicing cello, or speaking in Ancient
Greek with my incomparably glorious wife.

Mr. George Luke
Logic and Integrated Humanities
Hello and welcome to Logos Online School! I grew up in Illinois, and went to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, where I received a B.S. in Child Studies. I received my M.A. from Bethlehem Seminary in Minneapolis, and studied the Reformed tradition via Christ Church's Greyfriars program.
Mr. Solgos, my middle school teacher, was a Christian who could wax eloquent on C.S. Lewis, stained glass windows, geometry, and how to clean a messy locker. He was like Atticus Finch to me: wicked smart, a good story teller, and above all, a consistently Christian man. He made me want to be like him. Good teachers leave you knowing they love you, and that their wisdom to you is a gift from our God. I want to be the kind of teacher who can not only tell you the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow (African or European), or warn you away from getting in to land wars in Asia, but also leave rejoicing in Jesus as the culmination and foundation of everything good, true, and beautiful (even in the three movies I referenced above).
I intend to leave you asking "by what standard" to everyone we read, to say quite a few quotable things I will immediately forget that I hope will make you laugh, and to take Plato seriously but not worship him. In light of our indwelling sin, our finitude, our common sainthood, and the reality of the natural revelation constantly speaking about God, we live entirely dependent on God's love for us, and his Scriptural self-disclosure to see past the blurry outlines of truth. By faith, we seek true understanding.
I look forward to marveling at God’s work in Humanities and Logic with you! I live in Moscow, Idaho with my true love, Joelle, and our two “teaching assistants," Devorah and Samson.

Dr. Marcio Santana
Latin & Spanish
I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, born and living in Brazil, and serving as a ruling elder at my local Presbyterian Church. My wife, Eva, and I are blessed with four children (Jonatas, Cecilia, Samuel, and Davi), and together with them, we are actively involved in a classical education program, where we both serve as tutors.
My academic journey began with a degree in Journalism, followed by a Master's in Linguistics, and I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. Over the past fifteen years, I have been working as a journalist at a Federal University and as a translator and proofreader for theological publishers in Brazil.
As a teacher, I strive to integrate my academic expertise and Christian faith to inspire a love for learning that will guide students to grow intellectually and academically, while developing a deeper appreciation for God’s glory.

Mrs. Sarah McElroy
Hi! My name is Sarah McElroy! I hold a Bachelor of Science in Education (Mathematics) from Pittsburg State University. I was born and raised a Kansas flatlander, but seeking adventure, I moved to St. Mary’s, Alaska, to teach after college. St. Mary’s is a remote native village off the road system. It was quite an experience for a Kansas girl fresh out of college. After two years in “the bush,” I moved to Anchorage, where I taught high school math for 5 years.
It was in Anchorage that two life-changing events occurred. First, God graciously drew me to Himself, and I became a Christian. Second, I met and married a paratrooper stationed at Ft. Richardson, Alaska. My husband Alan and I have been married for ten years. We have four children, with a fifth on the way! After leaving the army, my husband completed seminary and was called to pastor in the island community of Ketchikan, Alaska.
We love living in Alaska! While in Alaska, I have attended a moose hunt and sampled food like seal and whale blubber. Although we don’t have many amenities and restaurants, I’ve become accustomed to cooking fish and chips and salmon burgers. I enjoy hiking in the mountains with my family and our dog Paddington, knitting, and exploring tidal pools with my children as part of our unique homeschool adventures.
I am grateful for the grace God has shown me. Along with raising my children and using my gifts in the local church, I want to teach math to the glory of God.

Mr. Scott McQuinn
Biblical Hebrew
I am the blessed husband of Vanessa and father of seven image bearers (all 11 and under), which means my life is full of goodness from the Lord! Our days are filled with homeschooling our children, exploring the outdoors, reading books together, creating and building, gardening, raising chickens, and making music. I love children and firmly believe that, “like arrows in the hand of a warrior” (Ps 127:3–5), God uses them “to still the enemy and avenger” (Ps 8:2) and establish his kingdom. They’re also really funny!
I was born and raised in Kansas, though I’ve now lived in Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, and Kentucky, studying at various institutions, striving to sharpen my mind and enlarge my heart by sitting under godly thinkers. I received a B.A. in Biblical Languages (Northland International University), an M.Div. in Biblical Exegesis (Bethlehem Seminary), an M.A. in Ancient Language Acquisition (Fresno Pacific University), and a Th.M. in Old Testament/Septuagint (Southern Seminary). I have studied a handful of ancient languages and have developed a measure of spoken fluency in both Hebrew and Greek through my involvement with the Biblical Language Center (BLC), which began with a six-week intensive Hebrew course in Israel in 2011.
Over the years God has opened many doors for me to gain extensive experience teaching Hebrew and Greek as living languages (i.e., “immersion”) at church-based institutes, universities, seminaries, Bible translation organizations, and BLC, for whom I have been teaching and developing curricula since 2014. I’ve taught men and women, young and old, students and professors, and Bible translators/consultants from many different countries, and it is a joy to see people of all types engage God’s Word in a deeper, more intimate way through reading it in its original languages!
I also had the privilege to teach Greek and Integrated Humanities (Omnibus I Primary and IV Secondary) for another online classical Christian school for two years. I absolutely love discussing great ideas from the Great Books through the lens of the Greatest Book, for it helps to order our affections—that is, to love what ought to be loved and to hate what ought to be hated. I look forward, Lord willing, to being a tool used by God to sharpen your child, and to create a sense of wide-eyed wonder in God’s spoken world!

Mr. Marlon Meira
Integrated Humanities
Hi, my name is Marlon Meira. I'm from Brasília, Brazil, where I grew up and live with my beautiful wife Kelen and our three children — Victoria, Arthur and Miguel. We attend Central Baptist Church in Taguatinga, where my wife, our daughter and I teach Sunday Bible School, our son Arthur serves as a photographer and Miguel plays the drums for the children's worship.
In 1999, at the age of 21, the Holy Spirit led me to repentance and forgiveness. I confessed Jesus as Lord and savior and became a new creation. Kelen and I started dating that same year and got married in 2004.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in History and a postgraduate degree in Classical Christian Education.
I love my wife and kids, I love serving the Kingdom, traveling, reading and learning. I love Integrated Humanities too, and I'll do my best to make you love it as well. This is my first year at LOS, where I hope to spend long years. I'm looking forward to seeing you in our class.

Mr. Knox Merkle
Latin and NT Greek
I have lived in Moscow, ID, since I was born.
I am a 2017 alumnus of Logos School and a 2021 alumnus of New Saint Andrews College, graduating with a BA of liberal arts and a certificate of music. I am currently pursuing an MA in theology from New Saint Andrews, am a student in the Greyfriars ministerial training program, and lead singing at Christ Church's downtown services in Moscow.

Mr. Landon Miller
Hello! I was born in Florida and raised in South Carolina and Virginia. My lovely wife Julia and I were raised in Christian families that settled in southwestern Virginia when we were both around ten years old. We were married in 2015 and have four daughters and one son (Jenna, Novia, Anniston, Atalia, and Lucas), ages eight to one. For theological and educational reasons, we moved to Moscow, Idaho, in the summer of 2022, where we currently live.
I realized that I loved teaching while teaching ESL in Western China in 2012. I earned an Associate's degree in Teacher Apprenticing from Faith Builders Educational Programs and worked for eight years at our small church-school as principal and high school teacher.
Over the years, I have taught a little bit of everything at the junior high and high school levels, including Math, English, Science, History, Bible, Music, and PE. I know what it's like to struggle with math, which I did until my own high school years. Surprisingly, it was Algebra 1 that finally lit my enthusiasm for math. Since then, I've enjoyed navigating the many puzzles that math brings and seeing God's glory in the consistency of math. Logos Online School has been a great place to work, and I thoroughly enjoy my days with the students as we tackle the challenges of Algebra and Geometry!

Mrs. Karen Mondoy
Spanish, Lead Teacher
Karen is a native Texan who was born and raised in Abilene, Texas. After graduating from Hardin-Simmons University with a degree in Elementary Education and Spanish, she moved to Fort Worth, Texas. She met her husband, Patrick Mondoy, who had moved to Fort Worth after growing up in Hawaii, and they celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary in May of 2021. God blessed them with three wonderful, Christ-following daughters and five of the most amazing and beautiful grandchildren around.
Karen taught high school Spanish for 17 years at Trinity Christian Academy in Willow Park, Texas. God has given her a great love for the Spanish language and for the students that she has had the opportunity to teach. Being able to see a teenager understand the importance of learning and using another language for God’s Kingdom has been a great blessing in her life.
Karen has a great love for the family and friends that the Lord has placed in her life. She is a Bible study leader at Birchman Baptist Church in Fort Worth and enjoys studying God’s Word with other ladies. She often spends time with her grandchildren and considers being a Gramsy one of the greatest blessings that God has allowed in her life. She also enjoys traveling, spending time with her friends, and reading a good Christian novel when time allows. Her rescue dog Remington is also a special part of her life.
☆ Mrs. Mondoy has taught for Logos Online for 5+ years.

Dr. Matthew Moravec, Ph.D.
Integrated Humanities
Greetings! Although I’ve enjoyed teaching for years, I was not exposed to Classical Christian education until my son began kindergarten. Seeing it firsthand left me impressed with its focus on developing a love of learning, empowering students to grow in how they reason and express themselves, and doing all of that with attention to faith-formed virtues and Christ-centered lives.
After receiving an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary, I completed a PhD in Divinity from the University of Aberdeen in 2022; my dissertation examined the influence of the Psalms in the Gospel of Luke. I am passionate about equipping future leaders to better understand Scripture, apply its truths to their lives, and face the world—well-versed in its history and cultures—with a biblical worldview.
I enjoy reading the paper, doing the WSJ Friday contest crossword puzzle with my wife, and dancing with my kids to polka music.

Mrs. Kristen Munger
Physical Science
Hello Logos families, my name is Kristen Munger and I am excited to be part of the Logos team! I majored in Biology at Assumption University and minored in Chemistry and Computer Science. I also had the privilege of playing for the Women's Basketball team while at school. Shortly after college Jesus grabbed ahold of my heart. I learned about God’s holiness, my sin, and the wonderful gift of a Savior. I have loved serving Christ through our local church ever since. My husband, Kevin, and I were married in 2004 and have three sons: Justin, Ryan, and Caleb, and one daughter: Amelia. Originally from western New York state where the snow and lakes are plentiful, we now live in northern Vermont in the shadow of the Green Mountains and just 30 minutes from the Canadian border.
I have always loved the life sciences and also enjoyed advising students in the Equine Science program at the University of Vermont. However, I fell in love with classical Christian education when homeschooling my kids. We have greatly benefited from partnering with like-minded families through Classical Conversations and are now so grateful to have several kids at Logos Online School.
After Jesus, His church, and family, my loves are strong coffee, well-trained horses (Morgans in particular), gardens full of veggies and flowers, and watching my kids play sports. In our house you’ll find a basketball around every corner, lots of food in the fridge, a comfortable place to sit, as well as books, books, and more books! We camp when we can, ski when the snow flies, love visiting National Parks, and cherish time with friends and family. I love being creative, laughing with goofy teenagers, and snuggling up for a good movie.
I look forward to encouraging students and uncovering the gems God has provided for us in Creation!

Mrs. Lisa Mutart
Math and Economics & Government
Hello Logos Families, my name is Lisa Mutart and I love being a part of the Logos Team! I was raised in Ketchikan, Alaska where I met my husband, Jeremy. We served as a military family for 20 years, living around the world, and the continental United States. We have three adult children, graduates of LOS, who are serving the Lord and starting families of their own. In 2021, we moved back home to Ketchikan, where we plan to retire.
While homeschooling my children, I began teaching at many homeschool co-ops and loved every minute of encouraging young people to see God in all aspects of their education. Through my love for math and teaching, I privately tutored high-school students, coached debate teams, and tutored various levels of Classical Conversations. During my time with Classical Conversations, I received training through the CiRCE Institute and other classical education programs, but my favorite part of classical teaching is discussing and debating with students, spurring them on to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind.
I received an AAS in Health Science from University of Phoenix, a B.S. in Business Administration from Regent University & Minor in Economics.
I love sipping coffee, reading great books, playing board games and spending time with my family. I am passionate about being a life-long learner, doing everything to the glory of God, and I am looking forward to spurring on more students to pursue a love of learning.

Dr. Philip Olsson
Integrated Humanities Department Chair
Born and raised in Northern California, I enjoy (in no particular order) baseball, books, and Texas Hold’em. I am happily married to Heather, have seven children (along with fourteen grandchildren), and enjoy hauling our travel trailer around the beautiful state of Idaho.
As for my upbringing and education, I grew up attending a Christian school in the San Francisco Bay Area. A reader of political columns in high school who had thoughts of becoming a journalist, I brought my young self to college in 1992. After trying out journalism and campus radio a bit, I realized my stronger interests were in history and philosophy and so I pursued degrees in those areas. For my efforts, they eventually sent me packing with BA and MA degrees in History, along with minors in Philosophy and Political Science. I would then return to academia a few years later and attend Claremont Graduate University in southern California, where I studied ethics (MA) and philosophy of religion (PhD) at the School of Religion. My dissertation was entitled “Timelessly Present, Compassionately Impassible: A Defense of Two Classical Divine Attributes” and can be read for free on the internet.
As for work history, I’ve worn my share of hats. Roughly in chronological order, I’ve been a courier for a civil engineer, a barista, a videographer for live TV, a video-conferencing technician, a security manager, a substitute teacher, an assistant dock supervisor (transportation), a cutlery salesman, an FBI applicant (a spending freeze stopped the interview process), a teaching assistant, a CIA applicant (a variety of concerns stopped the interview process), a furniture delivery man, a part-time plumber, a part-time painter, a security alarm installer, a full-time kitchen and bath remodeler, a property manager, a member advocate for a Christian health-care sharing ministry, a freelance author, and a Christian school teacher.
I have also been blessed to be ordained as a Presbyter in the Federation of Reformed Churches and as a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
I teach Integrated Humanities and enjoy helping students pursue excellence in their lives and work. Come and join us!

Mr. Mark Rauch
Math Department Chair
As a husband of one and father of six (one who’s with the Lord), I enjoy fulfillment during the teaching moments around the dining table and in front of the couch for evening devotions.
My primary education came from Fairfield Christian Academy in Lancaster, Ohio, where my dad was the headmaster as well as the pastor of the overseeing church. I then studied electrical engineering at Ohio University (Athens, Ohio), where I aced nearly all of my college-level math classes (I had a great teacher). My attention to detail naturally compels me to scrutinize the technical aspects of written material. Upon obtaining my degree, I worked in the engineering field for eight years before pursuing a career change.
I've now been with Logos Online School from their very first year. When they were just beginning, I saw my chance to jump in at a time when they needed warm bodies to fill a position. By the humor and grace of God, I am now the head of the math department here. Much grace has been extended to me by the LOS administrators and I hope I'm passing that along to my math teachers, students, and their families. This has been one of the most fulfilling jobs I've ever had. The seven hours a day that I spend teaching always fly by, whether I'm fumbling all over myself or exhibiting a quick wit that suggests I've had an unusual amount of caffeine (actually, for me, any amount of caffeine is unusual). For several years now, I've also been the sponsor of LOS's Movies & Music Club (where we usually just talk about movies). To be somewhat transparent, I'm really an entertainer at heart, so hopefully the students are having a good time while also learning about God, His Word, and His world through math.
I hope you will enjoy observing me as much as I will enjoy sharing with you, and by God’s grace, we will both learn about Him together.
★ Mr. Rauch has taught for Logos Online for 10+ years.

Mrs. Lily Roberts
I grew up just south of Seattle, Washington, and moved to Southern California to attend Azusa Pacific University for my undergraduate degree in Studio Art. Although I studied a variety of art forms in college, my focus was drawing and painting. I also met my husband in college and we got married in January, 2021. I continued at Azusa Pacific to get my Master’s in Teaching and California Teaching Credential and then taught art in the California public school system. Although I learned a lot about teaching in public schools, there was a lot that frustrated me about the system and I was excited to teach in a new setting when I switched to Logos.
I am always continuing my art practice while teaching, and I mainly work in traditional and digital illustration. I especially love working with gouache, alcohol markers, and colored pencils.
I now live in Dayton, Ohio, as my husband completes his residency for Emergency Medicine in the Air Force. We live here with our daughter, Cora, and our dog, Addie. We love to be active together and enjoy camping, hiking, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

Mrs. Zoe Roberts
English and Electives, Lead Teacher
I am from Oxford, England, where I spent most of my childhood years until I moved to Moscow, Idaho to continue my studies at New Saint Andrews College. From the age of 8, when I was introduced to Latin, I have enjoyed studying languages, especially Latin, Classical Greek, and Biblical Hebrew. I continued pursuing all three languages in my college thesis in which I analyzed in depth the Bible in its original languages, focusing, in particular, on comparing and analyzing the Latin and Greek translations of the Psalms of Ascent.
I completed my B.A. in Liberal Arts and Culture in 2017, and a week later I married my best friend Josiah. Since graduating I have greatly enjoyed teaching at Logos Online School. Throughout my education, I have been privileged to have excellent parents and teachers who instilled a love of learning in me. As I teach, my desire is to instill a love of learning in each one of my students and to teach all my classes with Jesus Christ as the foundation and beginning of all wisdom and knowledge.
When I am not teaching, I love reading, painting, hiking, gardening, camping, cooking, playing badminton with my husband, or fixing up the most English-looking house I could find on the Palouse.
☆ Mrs. Roberts has taught for Logos Online for 5+ years.

Mr. Allan Santos
My name is Allan Santos, and I was born and raised in Aracaju, Sergipe, where I currently live with my wife, Maria Clara. I have always been fascinated by the diversity of cultures and languages. I started learning English as a child and deepened my studies in Spanish while at university. For me, language learning is more than a practical skill—it’s a way to see the beauty of God’s creation in the plurality of peoples and cultures. It also opens doors to connect with others, share the gospel, and participate in God’s mission to make His name known among the nations.
My passion for creativity led me to pursue a degree in Architecture at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), where I specialized in lighting design. In 2022, I joined Logos School, where I’ve been able to combine my love for teaching with my passion for languages and learning.
I’ve been a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church of Aracaju and was blessed to be raised in a Christian home that taught me the value of faith and service. Today, I serve as a Sunday school teacher for young adults, which has been a rewarding experience.
Outside of work, I’ve always loved sports, especially soccer—true to my Brazilian roots! I also enjoy spending time with family and friends or relaxing with a good book.
I am grateful to be part of the Logos community and look forward to partnering with families to nurture not only academic growth but also a deeper understanding of God’s world.

Mr. Wesley Santos
Science and Math
Hi! I was born and raised in Aracaju, Sergipe, northeast of Brazil. My wife Sanny and I have three children: Matias, Ana Clara, and Elisa. Raised in a Christian home, I have the privilege of attending to the church of my childhood with my family. I'm a teacher for over ten years now, and each day in class confirms in my heart the calling for teaching. From math and sciences to music and Sunday School, teaching is what God has called me to do.
During my studies in Biological Sciences, I grew a special love for the ocean and coastal environments, which was my main field of work during those years. I graduated in 2010 and almost immediately started my Master's degree in Biological Oceanography. It was my opportunity to dig deeper into the world of water and behold the wonders God created there. In 2013, I finished my degree and started my teaching career in brick and mortar schools in the secular private school system. It was amazing to serve my calling and teach, but something was missing: the freedom to say "God is the creator of all this wonder we are studying." During the hard year of 2020, I learned about classical Christian education and that there was a place where Christian teachers could serve Christian families in God-centered institutions. In 2021, I was accepted as a teacher at Logos Online, where now I serve the Kingdom and my brothers and sisters with the talents God has entrusted to me.
I have played the violin as a hobby since my teenage years, which has given me the opportunity to serve at church during worship and teach others. I have also kept my childhood love for hero movies, cartoons, and videogames, which keeps my English sharp and help me connect with my students. My love of reading also began when I was young. I saw the cover of a Brazilian edition of "The Lord of the Rings" and knew I had to read it. Since then, starting with fiction, and expanding to other types of literature, I have tried to be a good reader. As a teacher, I hope to always be able to show my students how God reveals Himself in every corner of every science He has given to mankind.

Mr. Kevin Smith
History, Senior Thesis, and Integrated Humanities,
Hello Logos Online families! My name is Kevin G. Smith, and I am the husband to my beautiful bride Ashley and the father of three (one who is with the Lord). We are Pacific Northwesterners through-and-through, though my journeys have led me in a round-about way from Oregon to the Midwest to the plains of the Rocky Mountains and now to the Idaho panhandle.
God brought me to saving knowledge of Him in high school. Since then, my passion is to equip God’s people for God’s work (Ephesians 4:11-13). This has included pastoral ministry and now serving as an educator. My academic background began with a Bible & Theology degree and continued into a Master of Arts in Theological Studies and a Master's in Library Science (I love to do and help with research!). Presently, I am completing my ThM through Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) with the goal of continuing into doctoral work on the educational methods of the Huguenots during the Reformation.
If you have been in class with me, you know that I am most interested in seeing you learn how to articulate your ideas well, to the glory of God. We spend a lot of time in discussion, where we draw from our sources to ask each other sound questions so that all of us grow in our understanding. You can anticipate engaging readings, lots of classroom participation, and opportunities to communicate your informed opinions through presentations and writing. How better to display God’s goodness, truth, and beauty during your high school years?
☆ Mr. Smith has taught for Logos Online for 5+ years.

Dr. Gregory Soderberg
Apologetics and Integrated Humanities
I am passionate about investing in students and leaders of all ages through teaching, writing, and speaking. I aim to help people learn lessons from the past, to inspire them to live wisely in the present.
I have more than 20 years of experience in Christian education, both in brick and mortar schools and online. I love teaching because I love learning! Besides earning Permanent Teacher Certification in the Association of Classical Christian Schools, I hold a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Culture (New St. Andrews College), an M.A. in Church History (University of Pretoria), and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology (Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam). I also studied theology at Reformed Theological Seminary and Trinity Theological College, in Bristol (UK). In addition to Logos Online, I teach and mentor at Kepler Education, the BibleMesh Institute, and Redemption Seminary.
My wife and I have five children and enjoy hiking, boating, reading, and traveling. I have been privileged to serve in a wide range of church ministries and non-profits, ranging from church planting and prison ministry to foster care and Safe Families for Children. I’ve been able to speak at conferences in the US, Germany, and South Korea and have taught at Grace Life College and Seminary in Liberia, with Training Leaders International.
My dissertation on communion frequency in Reformed churches was published in V&R's "Reformed Historical Theology" series. I’ve published articles for Intellectual Takeout, Common Good, SALVO magazine, and write The SoderBlurb (https://gregorysoderberg.substack.com/). I was also a contributing author to one of the textbooks we use here at LOS: Omnibus VI: The Modern World, and wrote chapters for the books More Than Luther: The Reformation and the Rise of Pluralism in Europe, and Reforming the Catholic Tradition: The Whole Word for the Whole Church. In what little time I have left, I serve on the editorial board of Consortium: A Journal of Classical Christian Education.

Mr. Carson Spratt
Rhetoric and Integrated Humanities
Carson Spratt was born in Vancouver, Canada, and although he moved to the Pacific Northwest over a decade ago, you can still hear his accent when he’s out and about. He learned to read at age 3, and can’t quite seem to break the habit.
He graduated from New Saint Andrews College in 2014 with a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Culture, and since he couldn’t leave well enough alone, went back for an M.A., which he received in 2017.
Carson enjoys getting to know nature up close and personal, and making people laugh. He loves singing almost anything, from Bach to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” He happens to know that The Princess Bride is the best movie of all time, and he appreciates nothing more than a well-crafted pun. He can be curious about anything, and when he’s not teaching, he’s usually learning something. And he would be completely lost without his true love, Ellie, without whom life would be inconceivable.
☆ Mr. Spratt has taught for Logos Online for 5+ years.

Mr. Nathan Stenzel
Integrated Humanities
Hello! I grew up in the Chicago area and was homeschooled from age 0–18. After high school, I
attended the Cleveland Institute of Music for two years, studying timpani and percussion
performance. Though I transferred out before finishing my degree, I did meet my wife (a brilliant
violinist) there, so it was a success on the whole.
I transferred to New St. Andrews College in Moscow, ID, where I completed my BA. I liked it so
much that I stuck around for more, and I’m now working on my MA in Theology & Letters at New
St. Andrews.
In addition to teaching humanities for LOS, I teach Latin at New St. Andrews and do
some freelance writing. My wife and I enjoy reading, listening to Renaissance music, drinking
fine coffee, and eating her excellent baked goods—and sometimes all four of these at once. We
have one child, a son, who keeps us smiling. We’re members of King’s Cross Church in
Moscow, Idaho where we’ve attended for the past few years.

Mrs. Wendy Stephens
Hello, I am grateful and excited to be a part of LOGOS Online School! It is an amazing community of like-minded families. My husband, Jimmy, and I are parents to three children and Nana and Pop-Pop to ten grandchildren. I was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida, home of the famed “Blue Angels”, and sugar-white, sandy beaches.
My education began at Pensacola Christian Grammar School. I am deeply grateful for the solid foundation in scripture, discipline, and academics I received there. I love learning! Still constantly curious and seeking to know the how and why of so many things, I have returned to school both formally and informally after earning my BS degree. The Bible and science are my favorite subjects. I hold certifications in Middle-Grade Sciences and have passed the Florida subject area certification test for Biology. It fascinates me how biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and even music have common elements that display the orderliness and Glory of our great Creator! I enjoy sharing what I have learned! I have taught Bible Studies for over thirty-five years, and I have taught science for over fifteen years. I look forward to igniting the curiosity and desire of students to explore deeply God’s amazing design in all of HIS creation!
In my spare time, I look forward to hanging out with my grandchildren. I also like to cook, bake, hike, fish, and camp with my family. Photographing the local flora and fauna is another pleasurable pastime. On Sundays, I play timpani at my church. My husband and I love to sit on our porch and watch for deer, fox, gopher tortoise, owls, hawks, and, once in a while, a bear or two that frequent our yard! Occasionally, I can be found sitting on a sandy beach, reading, and breathing in the salty breeze. It is a blessing to live in a place where we can enjoy so much of God’s handiwork.

Dr. Kara Stevens, J.D.
Integrated Humanities
Hello friends! My name is Kara Stevens. I am married to my high school sweetheart, and we live in East Tennessee with our three dogs, two fish, one cat, and a plethora of chickens. In our free time, you will find us hanging out with family, reading good books, enjoying classic movies, listening to music (mostly 80s if I have the aux), cheering on the Knoxville Ice Bears, tending our amateur homestead, or cruising in our 1986 Chevy Blazer.
I was blessed with a Christian upbringing, having been raised by godly parents and surrounded by God-fearing grandparents and great grandparents. By His grace, the Lord saved me as a young child. My husband and I attended the same church and public school from kindergarten to graduation. We are now members of a Reformed Baptist Church.
I spent my undergraduate years at the University of Tennessee (Go Vols!) where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. My double major was Supply Chain Management and Political Science with a Marketing concentration. I went on to attend Lincoln Memorial University's Duncan School of Law where I earned a Juris Doctorate. I am currently enrolled in Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary where I am pursuing a Master of Arts in Reformed Baptist Studies.
In 2019 I was sworn in by the Supreme Court of Tennessee to practice law and worked as a child advocate attorney representing dependent and neglected children. I then transitioned to an in-house counsel role for a title company and real estate law firm.
I love to learn! I consider myself a lifelong student, and I am especially passionate about studying history, government, and literature in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is the Author of every story that has been and is still to come, and there is nothing more comforting than knowing His sovereign hand is at work in every circumstance. I am eager to join my Integrated Humanities I and IV students as we examine history and literature in light of theology with the ultimate goal of glorifying God and enjoying Him and His creation!

Mr. Jesse Sumpter
Latin and Integrated Humanities
I love working with students and families at Logos Online School. The students here are sharp and engaging. I also appreciate all the families dedicated to giving their students a Classical Christian education. I am here to serve and help you equip your students. My wife, Kate, and I have a daughter and a son and we live in Moscow, Idaho. I have been teaching for about 18 years. I also enjoy creative writing and poetry. I earned a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from Seattle Pacific University. I also have a Master’s degree in Classical and Christian Studies from New Saint Andrews College.

Mrs. Kimberly Swait
I am from South Florida and love the sunshine. I now live in Moscow, ID with my giant husband and five children.
In high school, I became convicted of my need for a Savior and turned from a path of selfish ambition to a sacrificial life with Jesus as Lord. My family and I are Christians who love the Word of God, and seek to be Trinitarian in all of life.
Growing up, I spent my summers admiring the mountains of Montana and winters enjoying the beach in Florida. As a young student, I attended a magnet art school in middle and high school, and eventually graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and a minor in art history from the University of Florida. I have homeschooled my children for 13 years. I have also shown my work in galleries and taken any opportunity to continue painting.
I paint the beauty I see around me as well as experiment with many art media. I especially love to use a lot of texture or illusions of texture in my work. While my children were small, I spent a lot of time sewing and later incorporated fabric collage into my painting. I love drawing, printmaking, and pottery as well.

Rev. Craig Thighe
Apologetics, Math, and Economics & Government
I grew up in a suburb south of Denver, Colorado and attended public schools where I spent most of my time with my nose in a book (I've always loved learning). I discovered my gift and passion for teaching when I was 19 and have continued to actively teach since then. I am married to my wonderful wife, Kristin, and we have five wonderful, unique, and creative children, and we are urban homesteaders (we have a large garden, goats, chickens, and bees). It is a blessing to have dominion over and care for the lot that the Lord has provided for us.
I am humbled to pastor and serve Christ Church (CREC) located in Denver, Colorado and am currently working on my PhD in Bible Exposition with a focus on the dominion mandate. I am excited to provide a Christ-centered educational environment where students can thrive and love what they are learning. I am honored to be a member of the Logos teaching staff.
Go Lions!

Mrs. Heather Trauger
Latin and Music Electives
Hello, salve, and howdy! I am filled with joy to continue to be part of the Logos Online family. My husband and I, along with our youngest child, moved far away from the Piney Woods of East Texas up to the beautiful wheat fields of Moscow, Idaho in the summer of 2023. While this was a bit of a culture shock (snow in OCTOBER??), we are incredibly blessed to be amongst so many fellow believers and laborers for the kingdom of Christ. My husband serves at New Saint Andrews College as the chief financial officer.
We have four children; the three oldest have grown up, gone to college, one is married, and the other two are beginning their young adult lives. Our youngest is still at home with us.
God works in interesting and unexpected ways. I was a teacher at two ACCS schools beginning in 2008, and have taught many subjects, including history, math, grammar, Latin, music, Bible, and several others! However, my original goal was to be a concert pianist and travel the world, performing Chopin, Bach, and Mozart to adoring fans! My college degree was actually in piano performance. I still love to play those classics and have passed that love on to my little budding pianist, but God’s plans for me were quite different! I have enjoyed every single year God has given me of classroom teaching, and of these past few years teaching here at LOS.
As I continue teaching Latin at Logos Online School, I am excited to see how God will build our students through this skill. Latin, history, literature, math, science, the study of God’s word, and many other areas of study are crucial to forming our character in a way that honors God and prepares us to serve Him in this world. I can’t wait to join you on this exciting, inspiring, and soul-satisfying journey!

Mr. Grant Van Brimmer
Integrated Humanities
I was born and raised on the beautiful Central coast of California in a Christian home where I was homeschooled K-12. My upbringing as a homeschooler is what solidified my deep conviction and love for Christian education centralized in the home and founded on Christian faith.
After much skateboarding and playing bass in a band, God led me to attend Bible college. After graduating, I married my Bible college sweetheart, Ericha. After we had their first child, I enlisted in the U.S. Army as a Chaplain Assistant. I served ten years, being stationed at Fort Bragg, NC and Fort Hamilton, NY. I served two combat tours in Afghanistan and one short tour in Niger, Africa with the 82nd Airborne and 3rd Special Forces Group. During his time in the Army, I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Religion and began my now completed Master of Arts in Theological Studies.
While stationed in Brooklyn, NY, I completed my pastoral internship and left military service to enter vocational ministry. I served as an Associate Pastor briefly in Ontario, Canada, and for three years at Christ Reformed Church (CREC) in Oakland, ME. I am currently the Pastor at Trinity Reformed Church (CREC) in Newnan, GA. Ericha and I have three children: Lilah (14), Edward (13), and Norah (11), all of whom are homeschooled.
Building strong Christian families is one of our deepest passions. My wife and I have authored an Advent family devotional titled "Behold Your King" and hosted a podcast together for nearly five years.
In my free time, I like to visit historical sites with the family, do projects around the house, drink all the coffee, and go for long runs. I also has a deep love for collecting and reading good books!

Mr. Jonathan Van Gelder
Hello! I am excited to be teaching at Logos Online School. I currently live in Moscow, ID along with my incredible wife and 4 children.
I was homeschooled up until I started college. I taught myself math using the Saxon Homeschool curriculum (the same one that we use at Logos Online). My first college class was Calculus 1 Online, which I took when I was 16 years old. In 2015, I received my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, and since then I've been working in a variety of manufacturing and design positions, from bridges to board games.
In 2021, I moved to Moscow from Washington, not just to escape the mask mandates which were threatening my old job, but to work alongside others who are serving Christ first, and in so doing, are truly improving the world which God gave us stewardship over.

Mr. John Whybrew
Math and Science
I have been married to my beautiful bride Nicoleta for 12 years, and we have two handsome sons, Seth Gideon and Luke Elijah.
After nearly a decade of teaching in both public-charter and classical schools, I have witnessed the extremes of neglecting the mind of students in the secular context to the God-honoring fruitful joys of well-cultivated persons studying creation while worshipping our Lord. Christ is our perfect and patient teacher. As a teacher, I seek to reflect our wise Teacher exploring truth about His goodness and beauty in math and the sciences. A student is a disciple with a mind to love God, a soul to delight in God, a heart committed to God, and strength supplied by God to declare well the glories of God! What a satisfying pleasure it is that as a teacher I walk alongside and nurture the students’ awe as they mine the jewels of His orderliness and creativity through subjects like: Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Physics ,Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry.
As a member of Refuge Church, Ogden, UT, I love learning to sing the Psalms and hymns in a four-part canon as a local assembly and enjoy fellowship events sharpening swords and singing with the saints of our Lord. I am an avid reader of wonderful books from theology to all things Lewis and Tolkien. I love to read aloud Scripture and other amazing books to my family. We enjoy board games like “Village” as well as playing escape-the-rooms locally. I enjoy teaching my sons Greek! One of our favorite family outings is an outdoor walk which crosses by the Ogden river and enjoying a picnic while taking in the beauty of God’s creation.
Gratefully, I join in the good work alongside Logos School to faithfully train each generation in the beauty of understanding math and science in light of Christ’s excellencies.
"The reason that science works is because God upholds the universe in a consistent and uniform way."
- Dr. Jason Lisle

Mrs. Guenevere Wilber
I grew up in more places than most, born into a Navy family that continued to move for several years after service. I graduated from high school in Albuquerque, NM, spent a year as an exchange student in Denmark, and attended college at Boston University. After graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science in Human Physiology, I went on to pursue an M.D. at the University of New Mexico.
God interrupted my plans with saving faith in Christ. After meeting my husband, Monte, during medical school, the Lord called me to full-time service to my family and my church. Raising and homeschooling our four children using classical, Christ-centered methodology has been my greatest adventure ever since. I’ve been teaching science in our homeschool community for three years and I’m excited to have more than one hour a week to share my love of God’s creation with my Logos students.
I delight to kindle the wonder of my own and other children to the glory of God’s creation. My aim is for them to see how God reveals His character through what He has made and the ways in which He has set it all in motion. I believe there is no better way to grasp how He holds all things together than to study the intricacies of how He crafted life itself!
When I’m not making science jokes, or reading all the books I missed in my own, non-classical education, I enjoy practicing hospitality at home and at our church.

Miss Rachel Yang
Mandarin Chinese
My name is Rachel Yang. I was born and raised in Mainland China and immigrated to the United States in the early 2000s. I now live in Northern California with my husband, two children, and our dog. Before moving to America, I taught English as a Second Language for 11 years at a middle school in my hometown, located in the heart of China, and have been teaching Mandarin in Northern CA for 13 years.
After arriving in the U.S., I began attending church with my younger sister, who had immigrated before me. Following two years of struggles, introspection, and challenges, I made the life-changing decision to accept Jesus as my Savior. The scripture, "And to you did He give life, when you were dead through your wrongdoing and sins" (Ephesians 2:1), truly resonates with my personal journey.
In the past, I was filled with anxiety, insecurity, and bitterness, feeling as though life lacked meaning. However, through faith in the Lord, I learned to reconcile with Him, with others, and with myself. Over time, I have come to feel that I am truly a new creation.
My experiences studying and working in the United States have deeply reinforced the importance of fostering a nurturing environment filled with love and encouragement for students. While God has blessed people with an innate ability to learn, the support and guidance of parents and teachers play a pivotal role in shaping children’s growth and development. With this belief, I am devoted to teaching my students with a heart full of love and care for each one of them.