Algebra 1
Regular price
Course Description: Students will benefit from Saxon’s incremental approach and very frequent concept review in the problem sets. This course covers signed numbers, exponents, converting word phrases to math symbols, solving equations, two equations with unknowns, graphing equations, scientific notation, ratio, percent, variation, unit conversions, perimeter, area, volume, English to metric conversion, and surface area.
Credits: 1 (Math), Honors
Prerequisite: Grammar-level math proficiency, or Pre-Algebra
Please note, even though we recommend this course be taken in 8th grade, it may be counted as a credit on the high school transcript (as a math credit).
Mtg. Days: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thur. (4 days each week)
Required Materials:
- Saxon Algebra 1 Student Text, 3rd Edition
- Saxon Algebra 1 Solutions Manual, 3rd Edition
This COURSE AVAILABILITY SPREADSHEET shows who teaches this course and at what time. It also shows all available seats for the various sections (it is updated daily).