Calculus 1
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Course Description: Calculus is designed for prospective math majors in college as well as students preparing for engineering, physics, business analysis, or the life sciences. Saxon Calculus covers all topics normally found in the Advanced Placement AB-level calculus program, as well as many topics from a BC-level program. Problem sets contain multiple-choice and conceptually oriented problems similar to those in Advanced Placement exams. Also included are numerous applications to physics, chemistry, engineering, and business.
Credits: 1 (Math), Honors
Prerequisite: Students must have successfully completed Advanced Math (Pre-Calc) or equivalent as determined by an administrator or instructor.
Mtg. Days: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thur. (4 days each week)
Required Materials:
- Saxon Calculus Student Text, 2nd Edition
- Saxon Calculus Solutions Manual, 2nd Edition
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