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Course Description: This course is designed to be a high-school-level, heavily-algebra-based chemistry course. Students will be introduced to applying the scientific method, forming and testing hypotheses in experiments, and documenting their findings in formal lab reports. Labs and projects are at each teacher's planning and discretion. You can find a preview of the textbook table of contents following the link here.
Skills: Chemistry frequently uses mathematics skills such as unit conversion, solving for unknown variables in an expression, multi-step word questions, mastery of order of operations, and algebraic manipulation (Prereq: completion of Algebra 1)
Credits: 1 (Science); Honors
Mtg. Days: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thur (4 days each week)
Required Materials:
- Apologia's Exploring Creation with Chemistry Set, 3rd Edition
This COURSE AVAILABILITY SPREADSHEET shows who teaches this course and at what time. It also shows all available seats (it is updated daily).