Reformation History & Theology (elective)

Reformation History & Theology (elective)

Regular price $725.00

Class Description:  The sixteenth century saw a renewal of faith and practice based on the Word of God, the rallying cry being ad fontes: to the sources. What variables factored into these reforming efforts? This course will consider the history, politics, and theology of this era, weaving together key figures with the events surrounding their life and labors. It further aims to show that there were different movements taking place throughout Europe during that century.

Course Objectives:  At the end of this course, the student will be able to...

  1. Place key figures of the Reformation in their geo-political context

  2. Distinguish the differing reform movements based on their theology

  3. Articulate the theological principles shared by the various Reformation leaders

  4. Write a persuasive paper concerning one aspect of a specific reformer’s theology

  5. Deliver a presentation on the political and theological factors impacting the reforming efforts of a particular country/region

Credits: 1 (Elective), Non-honors

Pre-requisites: This course is for high school students only.

Mtg. Days:  2 days each week

Required Materials:  

  • Any modern English translation (not a paraphrase) of the Bible.
  • Catherwood, Christopher. Five Leading Reformers: Lives at a Watershed of History. Christian Focus, 2010. ISBN: 9781845505530
  • Dowley, Tim. Atlas of the European Reformations. Fortress Press, 2015. ISBN: 9781451499698
  • Johnson, Terry L. The Case for Traditional Protestantism: The Solas of the Reformation. The Banner of Truth Trust, 2023. ISBN: 9780851518886
  • Lindsay, T.M. The Reformation: A Handbook. The Banner of Truth Trust, 2006. ISBN: 9780851519326
  • Needham, Nick. Renaissance and Reformation. Volume 3 of 2000 Years of Christ’s Power. Christian Focus, 2016. ISBN: 9781781917800 [I highly recommend the entire 5-volume series.]
  • PDF documents provided by the instructor.


This  COURSE AVAILABILITY SPREADSHEET shows who teaches this course and at what time. It also shows all available seats for the various sections (it is updated daily).