History of the World Wars (elective)

History of the World Wars (elective)

Regular price $725.00

Class Description:  The twentieth century was one of the most destructive in human history. What propelled the world leaders into warfare not just once, but twice during the first half of the 1900s? How did these conflicts (re)shape the global landscape? Scripture instructs us that God “changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings” (Daniel 2:21). This study seeks to understand the events and the people who engaged in the two world wars, while also aiming to discern God’s providence through those decades.

Course Objectives:  At the end of this course, the student will be able to...

  1. Identify the military and political leaders of the major powers for both world wars

  2. Create a timeline of at least 15 events for both world wars

  3. Design a map of one major conflict during one of the wars

  4. Write an Encomium of one figure from the wars

  5. Develop a persuasive paper concerning one aspect of the wars

  6. Deliver a presentation considering God’s providence in the early twentieth century

Credits: 1 (Elective), Non-honors

Pre-requisites: This course is for high school students only.

Mtg. Days:  2 days each week

Required Materials:  

  • Any modern English translation (not a paraphrase) of the Bible.
  • Keegan, John. The First World War. Vintage Books, 1998. ISBN: 9780375700453
  • —. The Second World War. Penguin Books, 2005. ISBN: 9780143035732
  • Sommerville, Donald and Ian Westwell. The Complete Illustrated Histories of the First & Second World Wars: With More Than 1000 Evocative Photographs, Maps and Battle Plans. Lorenz Books, 2017. ISBN: 9780754833451
  • PDF documents provided by the instructor.

This  COURSE AVAILABILITY SPREADSHEET shows who teaches this course and at what time. It also shows all available seats for the various sections (it is updated daily).