Western Civilization (elective)

Western Civilization (elective)

Regular price $725.00

Class Description:  Of all the truths contained in Psalm 78, an overarching principle is that God is sovereign over, and thus works through, history. As inheritors of the Western tradition, we must know the streams that have led to the present so that we can rightly look toward the future. This course seeks to provide a broad sweep of the essential building blocks of Western Civilization, beginning with Scripture and the ancient Mediterranean world, then focusing on Europe and North America. This chronological feast is done while seeking to discern God’s providence throughout the Western story.

Course Objectives:  At the end of this course, the student will be able to...

  1. Identify the major geo-political nations from the ancient world to the present

  2. Chart forty events/figures from Western Civilization

  3. Design a map of one region from the Ancient or Medieval time periods

  4. Deliver a presentation on one of the primary source works mentioned in the course text

  5. Articulate the impact of Christianity in the formation of European society

  6. Write an Encomium on a figure from Western Civilization

  7. Develop a persuasive paper, integrating multiple texts

Credits: 1 (Elective), Non-honors

Pre-requisites: This course is for high school students only.

Mtg. Days:  2 days each week

Required Materials:  

  • Any modern English translation (not a paraphrase) of the Bible.
  • Hyma, Albert and Mary Stanton. Streams of Civilization. Volume 1. Third Edition. Christian Liberty Press, 2016. ISBN: 9781629820507
  • Moes, Garry J. Streams of Civilization. Volume 2. Third Edition. Christian Liberty Press, 2017. ISBN: 9781629820538
  • PDF documents provided by the instructor.


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