Appreciating Classical Music

Appreciating Classical Music

Regular price $150.00


Instructor:  Bruce Lorenzana

Select One of the Following Dates:
  • July 7 - August 1 (4 wks)
  • August 4 - 26 (4 wks)  
Mtg. Days:  Mon. & Wed. (2 days/wk)

Mtg. Time:  10:00 - 10:50 AM

Credits: None

Class Description:   A crown jewel of Western civilization is our musical tradition. However, the ability to appreciate the bulk of this tradition has been tragically lost. We are quickly bored by songs that last longer than four minutes. We are disappointed when a song lacks a dopamine-dumping “bass drop.” We fill our minds with vapid, self-exalting lyrics. But music can be, and has been, much more than this. In this course, students will be introduced to various movements of Western music. Working our way backwards, we will start with the late Romantic period and end with the medieval. 

By listening to great pieces of classical music, reading short articles on music by the late Sir Roger Scruton, and engaging in joyful in-class conversation, students will learn principles that will enable them to (1) intelligently enjoy the glorious music of our past, (2) use music to more deeply perceive the beauty that constantly surrounds us in God’s world, and (3) understand how learning to listen to classical music can help us pursue the good life in these crazy, post-modern times.

    Required Materials:  Articles on music from "HOME", Sir Roger Scruton (student will not need to buy anything)

      If you are already enrolled in LOS, simply log in to your ClassReach account--you'll see a summer registration notification on your homepage beginning March 17.