Introduction to Puritan Theology
Regular price
Instructor: Bruce Lorenzana
Select One of the Following Dates:
- July 7 - August 1 (4 wks)
- August 4 - 26 (4 wks)
Mtg. Days: Mon. & Wed. (2 days/wk)
Mtg. Time: 8:30 - 9:20 AM
Credits: None
Class Description: In the Post-Reformation era, a group of zealous pastor-theologians known as Puritans emerged in England. These men wrote the greatest texts of theology ever produced in English. Their writings are unparalleled examples of pursuing the knowledge of God with not only the mind but also the heart. The Puritans wrote their theology not only to resolve doctrinal conflicts in the academic realm but also to impel the hearts of their church-members towards deeper fellowship with the Triune God. The Puritans wrote their theology to sharpen the mind and move the affections. Reading their writing will expose students to sublime descriptions of the beauty of God’s love for His creatures and emulable examples of how to enjoy fellowship with God intellectually and emotionally. In this course, we will study a collection of Puritan prayers in order to understand the Puritan way of loving God with both the mind and the heart.
Required Materials: The Valley of Vision, edited by Arthur Bennett
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