Old Testament Studies -- Jonah: An Introduction to the Prophets

Old Testament Studies -- Jonah: An Introduction to the Prophets

Regular price $150.00


Instructor:  Jason Biette

  • 24June-19July (4 weeks), OR
  • 22July-16Aug (4 weeks)
Mtg. Days:  Tues. & Thurs. (2 days/week)

Mtg. Time:  12:00 - 12:50 AM

Credits: 0

Class Description:  Jonah is a concise prophetic book of the Old Testament, and therefore lends itself well as a template to reading the prophets.  Jonah has a nice mix of prophetic language and narrative.  Each week we will break down one chapter of Jonah, confirming some of what we probably already knew, while learning some new insights along the way.  This study will focus heavily on biblical narrative, working to understand the story of the Bible.  

    Required Materials:  Bible (ESV preferred, but not required)

    If you are already enrolled in LOS, simply log in to your ClassReach account--you'll see a summer registration notification on your homepage beginning March 18.