A Taste of Shakespeare: Two Comedies & Two Tragedies
Regular price
Instructor: Phil Olsson
Dates: July 7-Aug. 1 (4 weeks)
Mtg. Days: Mon. & Thur. (2 days/week)
Mtg. Time: 8:00 - 8:50 AM
Credits: None
Class Description: Want to spice up your summer with a bit of Shakespeare? In this short course, we will read and discuss four Shakespeare plays (one each week). Students will be expected to read the assigned play for the week on their own. As a class, we’ll then gather to explore themes, characters, relevant historical connections, and Shakespearian wordsmithery. Students will be asked to write a short reader response per week (based on a teacher-provided prompt).
Required Materials: Oxford University Press editions of...
- The Tempest
- The Merchant of Venice
- Hamlet
- King Lear
NOTE: This course is limited to 12 students.
If you are already enrolled in LOS, simply log in to your ClassReach account--you'll see a summer registration notification on your homepage beginning March 17.