Biology (summer, full credit)

Biology (summer, full credit)

Regular price $725.00


Dates: June 9 - August 26

Mtg. Days:  M, T, W, Th (four days)

Mtg. Time (Pacific Time):  8:00 - 9:50 AM

Instructor: Wesley Santos

Class Description:  This course intends to study how life is organized by God, starting at the molecular level, and developing through the kingdoms of life and the study of the ecological relationships between different living beings in different environments. By the end of this class, we will have visited most of the different areas of Biology and learned with each one how God organized life to the glory of His name.

Credits: 1 (science) 

Required Materials:  Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd edition (Apologia)

The demonstrations and labs will be performed with materials that can easily be purchased in regular stores. It is also advised (but optional) that the parents have the “Solutions and Tests” volume, for the student to check the answers after completing the exercises.

Minimum number of students you need for this class to "make":  5 students

If you are already enrolled in LOS, simply log in to your ClassReach account--you'll see a summer registration notification on your homepage beginning March 17.