Physical Science (summer, full credit)

Physical Science (summer, full credit)

Regular price $725.00


Instructor:  Jason Biette

Dates:  June 9 - Aug 26 (12 weeks)

Mtg. Days:  M, T, W, Th (4 days/week)

Mtg. Time (Pacific Time):  7:00 - 8:50 AM

Credits: 1 (science)

Class Description:  This course is designed as an introductory survey to the variety of topics in high school physics, chemistry, and biology. You can find a preview of the textbook table of contents following the link here.

  • Skills Needed:  Students will be using introductory algebra skills such as solving for unknown variables, and multi-variable formulas. Students will be introduced to applying the scientific method, forming and testing hypotheses in experiments, and documenting their findings in formal lab reports.

    Required Texts: 

    • Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 3rd Edition
    • Exploring Creation with Physical Science Student Notebook, 3rd edition
    • Exploring Creation with Physical Science Solutions and Test Manual, 3rd Edition


    Minimum number of students you need for this class to "make":  5 students

    If you are already enrolled in LOS, simply log in to your ClassReach account--you'll see a summer registration notification on your homepage beginning March 17.