Latin 2 (summer, full credit)

Latin 2 (summer, full credit)

Regular price $725.00


Instructor:  Jesse Sumpter

Dates:  June 16-August 8 (8 weeks)

Mtg. Days:  M, T, W, Th (four days)

Mtg. Time (Pacific Time):  7:00 - 9:50 AM

Credits: 1 (foreign language)

Course Description:   Latin 2 reviews the grammar of Latin 1 and works through the remaining chapters of the Kraken Latin 1 textbook. Students will be introduced to personal pronouns, the passive voice in all tenses, and the remaining conjugations and declensions. Extensive study of Latin derivatives and stories of Roman culture, myths, and history make Latin come alive, even in our modern world. See the Table of Contents of Kraken Latin 1 for an overview of the concepts studied in Latin 2 (Units 3 & 4)

Required Materials: Kraken Latin I, Student Edition

If you are already enrolled in LOS, simply log in to your ClassReach account--you'll see a summer registration notification on your homepage beginning March 17.