Integrated Humanities A
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Biblical and Classical Civilizations
Course Description: Students taking this course will benefit from the integration of History, Literature, and Theology in true liberal arts fashion. The facts and events of Ancient history are illuminated by literature and primary sources of the time period, along with thought-provoking essays written by a wide range of contemporary scholars and educators. Class discussions encourage students to understand these events and their repercussions in light of Scripture, always with the goal of becoming more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
For more information, please see this article: What do you mean by "Integrated Humanities"?
Credits: 3 (1 History, 1 English/Literature, 1 Bible/Theology); Honors
Please note, even though we recommend this course be taken in middle school, it may be counted as a credit on the high school transcript.
Mtg. Days: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thur (4 days each week)
Omnibus I: Biblical and Classical Civilizations, Student Text, 3rd or 4th edition
Each teacher will select books from the following list which the students will read either entirely or in part (the teachers may not necessarily include every title listed below, but will include much of this classic literature):
Semester 1: Primary Books and Secondary Books
Gilgamesh: A New Rendering in English Verse, by David Ferry
- The Codes of Hammurabi & Moses, by W. Davies W.
- The Odyssey, by Homer; translated by Richard Lattimore
- The Landmark Herodotus: The Histories, edited by Strasler
- The Oresteia: Agamemnon; The Libation Bearers; The Eumenides, by Aeschylus, translated by Robert Fagles
- Plutarch's Lives Vol. 1, by Plutarch
- Chosen by God, by R.C. Sproul
- Till We Have Faces, by C.S. Lewis
- The Magician's Nephew, by C.S. Lewis
- The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis
- The Horse and His Boy, by C.S. Lewis
- Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, by C.S. Lewis
Semester 2: Primary Books and Secondary Books
- Sophocles: The Three Theban Plays
- The Last Days of Socrates
- The Early History of Rome, Books I-V, by Titus Livy, translated by Aubrey de Sélincourt
- The Aeneid, by Virgil
- Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare
- The Silver Chair, by C.S. Lewis
- The Last Battle, by C.S. Lewis
- The Best Things in Life, by Peter Kreeft
- Unaborted Socrates, by Peter Kreeft
- The Eagle of the Ninth, by Rosemary Sutcliff
- The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis
- The Holiness of God, by R.C. Sproul
This COURSE AVAILABILITY SPREADSHEET shows who teaches this course and at what time. It also shows all available seats for the various sections (it is updated daily).