

Regular price $725.00

Course Description: Logic should be your secret weapon. It's the tool for learning how to use other tools. It's the bones that give a clenched fist its structure (and knuckles). 

This course was developed at Logos School in Moscow, Idaho, and has become the standard Logic course for classical schools nationwide. Students learn the fundamentals needed to think well, including:

  • How to properly define terms for maximum precision and accuracy--and thus win the debate
  • How to form and interpret statements, the building blocks of logical thought
  • How to compose valid syllogisms and, just as importantly, expose the invalid fakes using counterexamples
  • How to analyze arguments in normal English
  • How to identify and deflect informal fallacies (one of the most instantly applicable parts of logic)
Students will also master propositional arguments:
  • How to interpret and analyze logical operators and truth tables by reviewing and applying the concepts of validity, contradiction, consistency, and equivalence
  • How to internalize the nine basic rules of inference to derive an argument's conclusions from its premises
  • How to easily determine consistency, self-contradiction, tautology, equivalence, and validity by using truth trees
  • How to apply all these skills to real-life thinkers and writers wherever you encounter them

Nota Bene: It has long been the practice of Logos School (bricks and mortar) for Logic to be taken in eighth grade, taking the place of "science". For LOS students, we generally recommend this, too. Though challenging, Logic is a valuable tool and many eighth graders benefit from taking it at this point. Logic may, of course, be taken as an elective in high school, and it is highly recommended if not completed in eighth grade.

Credits: 1 (Elective), Honors

Prerequisite: Must be in 8th grade or higher

Please note, even though we recommend this course be taken in 8th grade, it may be counted as a credit on the high school transcript (as an elective).

Mtg. Days:  Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thur (4 days each week)

Required Materials: 

  • Introductory Logic Student Workbook, Canon Logic Series,  5th ed. (July 30, 2014) 
  • Intermediate Logic Student Workbook, Canon Logic Series,  3rd ed. (June 4, 2014) 


This  COURSE AVAILABILITY SPREADSHEET shows who teaches this course and at what time. It also shows all available seats for the various sections (it is updated daily).