Superheroes: Modern Mythology
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Instructor: James Goode
Dates: June 9 - July 3 (4 weeks)
Mtg. Days: Tues. & Thurs. (2 days/week)
Mtg. Time (Pacific Time): 8:00-8:50 AM
Credits: No Credit
Class Description: We live in a generation where the comic book dominates the movie theater, the TV screen, and the imaginations of many children. Even if capes and tights aren’t “your thing,” superheroes are an important part of the modern world. Have you ever wondered why that is? Why are these types of stories so popular, and what should you—as a Christian—think of them? This course will examine modern “superheroics” by comparing and contrasting with ancient mythology. We will look at the development of the idea of the superhero, starting with the Book of Judges, moving on through the Iliad and Greek and Roman myths, to the Wild West hero, to the comic book in the 1930s, and on to our own time of the superhero blockbuster. Along the way, we will particularly examine how various worldviews and philosophies have been disguised behind a cape and a mask with vigorous class discussion.
Required Text:
- Mythology by Edith Hamilton
- Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko (ISBN 978-1302929770)
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